Raise Your Voice
/I believe that we were all born with a unique story already written I also believe that a part of our purpose is to live freely and share our stories with the world. How many times have you walked passed someone or been around someone that their character was just a little different and maybe not the easiest to understand or accept. I can only speak for me, but I know I was very big on judging the outer appearance than taking the opportunity to see the bigger picture, of something much deeper going on that what we unable to see at first look. It is not until I got the opportunity to get to know that person and hearing their story that it begins to make perfect sense and I begin to develop a feeling of compassion and understanding for this individual. Sometimes I can relate to their story and other times I am taken a back in amazement and disbelief of the things they were able to go through and grow from to still be standing today. Learning about others through their story and where they are now gives me a sense of hope and a great reminder that no matter how big or difficult or situations are we are still unstoppable if we believe. As I read my vibe of the day Saturday morning it spoke about us being free to share our emotions and experiences, which is also recognized as an act of self-love. How many times do we fight with holding our emotions in and keeping experiences to our self. Did you know that to be free and whole from them we have to share them?
"Your Truth Will Set You Free"
When we take on the power of sharing not only are we freeing ourselves, but some one’s life is possibly tied to our story, sharing our truth could possible save someone else’s life or help to change their perspective on their own trials. I know for years I would only share my experiences with people that I really trusted a hundred percent. At the tender age of nine I was molested by someone that was well respected by our family at the time, my first attempt at telling was not received well I was told that is not possible, at the time my mother was away so I was afraid of how telling her would affect her. On that day I decided to hold on to the secret and carrying it as if it belonged to me, what I quickly realized was the more I kept it as a secret the more present in remained in my mind and in my life. I was afraid to sleep in the dark upon until about two maybe two years ago. I was afraid to sleep in the dark every night because, as long as I suppressed it I continued to be the nine-year-old girl that needed the lamp to sleep. As a young teen and adult, I could not sleep with out the television being on I felt safe for the moment, but the reality of this was that the feeling was only temporary, and I had to find a better way to move on. I was at a class called success university at the time and this became the topic and as I sat there and listened to others share their truth the less I felt afraid and ashamed. I asked myself how long will you own this and how long will you allow it to control you? The moment that I was able to share this out loud with a roomful of strangers was the day I set myself free, today I can turn off all the lights and television and not be afraid to go to sleep.
“Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your story It Will Inspire Others ”
My truth set me free, being transparent set me free, so this light and joy that people see did not just happen by accident it happened because I made a choice to be free. From that day I promised myself that no matter where I was and who was listening I will always be free to be transparent my story is my foundation and without the experiences we are unable to ever truly grow. I will never wish for an easier life instead I wish for the courage to share my story that is bigger than just me. To be free we must become selfless and encourage someone else to do the same. I want you all to get present with your experiences and emotions embrace them we have nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. The next time we get the opportunity to be in an open or intimate space instead of judging ask someone what is your story? You will be surprised how your first thought of that person quickly changes. Our stories are that powerful it could help someone else heel and be free, and we are forever reminded that we are not the only ones and we are not alone. Set your soul on fire and be free to live, learn, and grow from what you have gone through.