Starting A New
/“The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go.”- Shannon L. Alder, how many times have you experienced being in an inconvenient situation, where you find yourself stuck between deciding if you should let go or hold on? Unfortunately, many of us will spend a lot of time hanging on to memories, time , and history, not realizing that sometimes that is just what it is a part of the history of our journey. Whether we want it or like it change is inevitable , pain is a part of the process, and the lessons helps us to evolve into the person we need to be in order to soar to new heights. Each day there is a gift of newness that we receive but very few of us take advantage of it, we imprison ourselves to the yesterdays delays and challenges. The reality is by not giving ourselves permission to let go we limit our ability to experience new blessings that a new day has to offer , we are often drained as the morning breaks by the negative thoughts and emotions we are harboring. It is important that as we grow and experience life that we transition from operating from a space of lacking , and survival , to a space where we are whole , content , and thriving.
“All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day at midnight.”
Many have tricked themselves into believing that life is unfair, but the truth is life dishes its fair share to everyone according to what is destined for them. Each experience comes with great purpose the problem is we waste too much time believing that the odds are only against us, and you begin to tell yourself that life is happening to you and not for you. While we are experiencing different seasons of challenges the truth is there is someone with a dark cloud that hangs lower, and the rain is pouring in their life compared to the scatter showers in your forecast. “It could always be worse.” Is a powerful statement that can often be taken out of context, acknowledging the fact that it could always be worse, does not mean your feelings are not valid. Instead, what it means is that we still have a lot to be hopeful and grateful for. At the age of thirty I have finally grown to accept that life is like a revolving door of change, we gain , we lose , we grieve , we heal , we learn, we evolve, and we go through this cycle over and over until we die. I am also learning to accept that the desires of my heart and the visions of mind may not always be what is best for me or what I need so I must trust God to always intervene. The primary reason many of us become stagnant in life is simply because we fail to be obedient to God’s commands. We ask and we pray for miracles but when those prayers are being answered we are busy holding on to past trauma, people , place, or things that simply are not meant to go with us which limits our ability to see our prayers being answered.
As I reflect on my life and all the experiences, I have had there has been one reoccurring theme, as I was approaching a new season of elevation everything that did not serve me needed to fall apart for things to fall into place. Whether it was friendships, relationships personal or professional, if they were not meant to go with me, I would see them just fade away. In the moment it hurts , naturally I have questions , and depending on the situation or the person I attempt to find a way to hold on. I have learned that in order to take flight you must pack light too much baggage can delay your flight and postpone your landing to where you are supposed to be. I encourage you to always remember that new solves all , when things are not flowing like they used to , when there is no room for elevation is it time to do something new. Settling in sinking sand can only result In one drowning In regrets from missed opportunities that passed you by because you were too afraid to step into a new space and take on a new perspective. I see life from a perspective of hope and purpose , I open my mind and heart for the door that opens , and I keep my mind and heart open even after that door closes making room for a new door to open. Do no not be a hoarder of trauma and your bad experiences, grow through the experiences, learn from them , accept them for what they were , and be brave enough to move on freely. Choosing to be a victim is easy it is a safety net for many, but it is also a limiting sad state to live in. The world is not out to get you are just one of many on a journey experiencing life in different seasons.