Curving Procrastination
Have you ever heard the saying you are what you claim? Have you ever stopped to think that a lot of the areas in your life and things that you struggle with have been created in our minds and manifested through our thoughts? There is power in the tongue we can choose to speak life or death, unfortunately not many of us are conscious to the choices we make and the tone that we set for our life through our thoughts and words, which dictates the actions we take or not take, and who we are being. We fill our minds with stories and valid reasons as to why it impossible to plan and execute effectively on our goals and even personal promises made to ourselves. Neglecting our needs and not having integrity with our words robs us of the opportunity to build trust and confidence within ourselves. Nothing absolutely nothing is impossible and there is nothing or no one that can stop us or take away what God has placed on the inside. The only thing or person that stands in your way is you , who you pretend to be ,the choices that you make , the thoughts you have ,I want you to know that our true self is our best self. To begin the process of mastering self and how to thrive in life, the first step is to seek clarity and understanding of who you are at your core not the persona we have created to fit or satisfy everyone else’s expectations or comfort us through our own insecurities. The number one and most common struggle that many of us have and for some may still be currently struggling with is to be present to fear and still acting, many times that fear shows up as procrastination. It is usually when we are confronted to dissect the reason why we are procrastinating that we recognize that hidden connection to fear.
In a room of 20 people I am almost positive that it will be divided into an equal half of those that believe they are procrastinators and those that do not believe they are. The power of what we believe can become crippling to our actually ability to get started and make great progress. I remember on many occasions when I first started Unapologetic Happiness LLC that each time I was presented with a new task or had a new idea to launch was when it appeared to me that my level of procrastination was at an all time high. The difference of procrastinating and believing that you are a procrastinator is that when you are aware and in tune with self to recognize when something is off or has shifted you are invested in getting to the bottom of it quick and changing it. when you whole heartedly believe that you are that thing there is no conviction or feeling of guilt it is accepted as the norm because you have labeled and accepted yourself as the procrastinator and what does a procrastinator do? They procrastinate, they expect nothing more of themselves, so how do we curve the habit of procrastination? The first step is to identify your why , your why to do anything is why you will and must commit , secondly write a list of what will it mean to accomplish these things and what is the cost of not getting these things done. It is good to see the effect or impact, or choices will have on our lives because it becomes a guide to holding ourselves accountable and remaining focused on our goals. If a person had an idea to rob a bank and is presented with the visual of what the cost will be of getting caught and the price of getting away with it looks like they now have to make a conscious decision based on their need and what would be their ideal reality.
“The World Gives Us Evidence Of Things Being Impossible. The Word Provides Us With Proof That All Things Are Possible Through Christ.
-Shanett McNeill ”
The life we desire to live is right on the other side of fear , the more we allow ourselves to feel fear but be bold enough to just do it the closer we get to having it all and being the kind of person we need to become to obtain and maintain true success in our life. Use your words to promote action in your life daily despite what you may feel like, or what your current circumstances maybe it Is our perspective on what is happening that will make a greater difference in our life. Life is not a race and it is not about knowing it all and having every detail of your life already mapped out. It is about being open and receptive to much trial and errors before we actually get it right. After mastering one phase we must always remember that change and challenges are a reoccurring theme of life so we must always be open to hoping for the best expecting the unexpected and praying for the strength to go through them and grow. Today this moment can be that moment you decide to stop self-sabotaging and settling for less than you deserve because you are afraid of that what if , well ask yourself this one question “what would my life look like if I committed to taking massive action in my life despite my fears what would my life look like ?” secondly am I ready and open to receiving all that is out there for me? The level of progress or success in one’s life really comes down to choices what are you feeding your mind, how are you staying encouraged, what is the quality of your thoughts and self-talk. The choice is yours to make daily “ today I am choosing to have integrity with my words and I am committed to taking action in spite of fear, I will remain a student at life for each day blesses me with new opportunities to learn , all lessons are gift that I will apply, I will only speak words that empowers me.