Time Check
“Yesterday Is Cancelled Check , Today IS Cash On The Line , Tomorrow Is A Promissory Note. -Hunk Stram ”
The current climate of the world has forced us all to get present to the beauty of time and how precious it is, and just how much it has been taken granted for so long. The irony is that the very thing that we take for granted is the thing that we have been gifted with which is more time. We only have 24hrs in a day, so it was very common daily for everyone to have their own complains and reasons as to why they just did not have enough time to execute on some of their most important goals. The sad part is that we can expect that although it feels like the days has been extended there will be people that still cannot maximize and expand during this time. Which leads me to this point that maybe it is not that we do not have enough time but that many of us simply lack the ability to use their time wisely. Too much of anything is never good and likewise is time having too much time on our hands can be a good thing but also a bad thing. Time management is an area that we all have needed to or could presently improve on. Managing time can be a struggle if you are a person that lacks organization and the ability to prioritize your important tasks with flexibility around life. There has never been a moment in time that we can recall that life appeared to be at a standstill, and the scary part is we have all been pushed into a space that we often avoid “the great unknown.” Without a time, frame or reliable information to bring us clarity and comfort has been very difficult to access. How do you manage your time when time seems to have no restriction? You must create a structured routine and do not allow the freedom of time to allow you to move without any sense of urgency. Yes, we are unclear as to when all of this will end that’s correct but the reality is there is a possibility of things changing sooner than later as there is a chance it may last longer. It is important that we do not allow ourselves to get too comfortable in disorders of man that we miss the order in which God desires for us to be. t
I want to encourage everyone to think of this moment that we are all experiencing as a purpose filled time out, meaning that we are fully focused on receiving what this experience has In store for us. While we are utilizing this time to seek clarity and understanding it is extremely important that we are not spending too much time waiting for a miracle to happen, things change if we change and change begins when we commit to producing results. One great way we can take effective action is by changing our language from one that enables us to settle to language that promotes action daily. I learned that the best way to take advantage of time is to know when it is time to be still ,time to rest , and when it is time to get moving, we never want to be still too long ,or resting too long. All work and no play can hurt us more than it helps us, and all play and no work will also have a negative effect. In life there needs to be a healthy balance between pursuing our purpose, being connected to God and our true purpose, and to enjoy life and the people we love. That is where having structure and a solid foundation in our faith, who you are as a person, and the vision that you have for your life personally and professionally. All that we dream of having can be ours to have if we choose , history proves that that there are so many great leaders and with great stories that has been shared in order for us to have hope and seeing opportunities to all we have to do is trust God and study what successful people do. You would be surprised to know that it is practicing mastering simple daily routines that become a part of your success habits. Let’s look at health , we may find that some of the most influential and success people practice living a healthy life style daily whether it consists of having a healthy diet , engaging in daily exercise , and even committing to activities that adds value to their core values and needs . Such as reading, praying, meditating, and yoga and the list goes on. I firmly believe that in order to obtain true success in life it is important that we are showing up for ourselves the same in all areas of our life, there are so many people that have mastered great qualities in their careers but is lacking in their personal life and relationships which will later begin to affect our spill over into other areas of our life.
In closing I want to leave you guys with is to rise daily with an attitude of gratitude and the mindset of a winner. in the darkest moments in our life we must learn to be available mentally to not become a victim to your experience, because each time we are faced with oppositions it is a great opportunity to self-reflect and adjust to keep moving and growing. Time means nothing if we do not plan to use it wisely and not take a second for granted, every second , every minute , and every hour of our life is an opportunity to do something that will add value to not only your life but in the lives of many. How much time are you willing to invest Into yourself? can you commit to your growth, can you commit to your faith, can you commit to living with purpose? I ask these questions because in life what separates the successful from the unsuccessful is the choice to do or not to do. It is important that we are clear on what it is that we want, what it is going to take, and what are we willing to let go off in order to allow God to remove and renew our mind ,body , and spirit. The one thing that consider to be just as scary as living life without a purpose. Achieving success without growing as a person mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally because unfortunately you will not have what it takes to keep it and expand it. I encourage you all to respect your time and invest it in beginning the journey of transformation to becoming the best version of yourself. Life Is very fragile and in the blink of an eye our life can change for the best or for the challenge and those are the moments that your faith is tested so that we can be increased, in physical and spiritual strength. Prayer works and it is important that when we ask God for things we are open to receive his answer and remember that His will must be done, so in prayer do not forget to pray for peace and discernment as you go through life meeting and experience new people ,places , and things. Fear has no home or place in our lives let us learn to feel fear face it and act despite the feeling being present. Our purpose is a gift from God and our responsibility to discover and live in it. Time can either make or break you based on how you are managing and respecting, the length of life is not as important as the quality of our life which is based how we choose to show up daily.