Plan With Flexibility

The Mental Flexibility Of The Wise Man Permits Him To Keep An Open Mind And Enables Him To Readjust Himself Whenever It Becomes Necessary For A Change.

“If you can’t be flexible with life you become irritable with life.” Planning with flexibility was not my strong suite in fact it was really challenging for me to wrap my mind around the fact that evening with detailed and organized planning everything will not always go as a planned. I allowed my lack of understanding of this concept to have a negative affect on me as a person, my attitude, and my level of productivity.  I believed that everything should always happen the way I anticipated them to with a closed mind. It took me years to get present to two things I am not in control of the order of my life God is and I cannot prevent or avoid divine intervention.  I am responsible for how I respond when unexpected changes occur. One of the things I learned about myself was that I struggled with this because of my perception. I believed that life was against me I used to claim that I did not have the best luck and I am sure there may be others like myself that had perceived life in the say way. I struggled with this for years and looking back I recognize that this was also a result of me operating from a lack of faith and my desire to be in control and desire to be in control comes from a place of fear.


 Today I am in a completely different space was it easy? No, it was very challenging, but I was committed to growth which required me to do the work to transform my mind and attitude towards life. One of the biggest misconceptions that we all can admit to doing is feeling entitled and righteous about our feelings and thoughts. “ my life is not fair” this is a common belief or perception for many, the reality is life is not designed to meet our requirements or comfort zones, life is also not centered around luck , life is designed to teach us , test us , and inspire us to rise above failure and rise to the occasion.  Failure is a choice just as winning is a choice, which means the side of the field that we stand on is a choice.  To win at life we must first begin with practicing the art of mastering self, identifying where we are mentally and spiritually and being aware of our belief system. Our belief system plays a very huge part in how we perceive life and the experiences we have, shifting our perspective from why me and to why not me experience this change or delay and come out better. I invested time In personal development, I also committed to growing spiritually to build a personal relationship with God.  The result of that was learning the importance and benefits of committing all my plans on to Him and to surrender to his will whenever there is a detour from my original plan. Secondly by building a relationship with God I am able to recognize when I am being tested and when I am being distracted so I can have a better understanding and the tools to respond and not react.


In closing I want to encourage you all to invest time in transforming your mind, body, and spirit, it is the key to changing the course of our lives. As a child growing up, we have been taught and also adapted a lot of behaviors and teachings that were simple basic skills of survival. It is our responsibility to unlearn all that does not serve us and take responsibility for how we evolve moving forward. In order to thrive we have to be open and honest with ourselves, it is important that we lose the desire to be in control of life and be open to changes. It is important that we choose to no longer operate in fear but to have a heart pf gratitude for everything that we are blessed to experience whether they are good , or challenging they all serve a purpose that is greater than we can see or understand . We cannot question God’s time we must trust that all things are working for our good and be prepared to learn a new lesson as we anticipate receiving a is okay to  Plan to win but  remember a true winner is one that is open to planning with flexibility  always leaving room for God to step in and do new and amazing things in your life. The next time you are in process of writing out your plans for the day do not forget to seek direction from God and take action expecting Him to show up just in time to work all things out for our good.