Time Reveals
They say time heals, but I have learned that time reveals and teaches us valuable and painful lessons more often that we like and most of the times unexpected. We all have dreams and along the way we connect with people and we journey to different places with hopes of learning new things and building bonds that we would cherish for life. The downside to that Is as time and seasons change so does the intentions and minds of people. The space in which you connect with a person has an influence on who they are at that time. Connecting with a person in a low moment of their life will show us a side that could reflect in low self-esteem, misplaced anger and so forth. The irony is that this does not define the true nature or character of a person because it is possible that in a different season of their life, we will receive the opposite. When a person has not mastered self and have a clear and open mind about life as the seasons and circumstances around them change it is possible that they will change or in other words be moved. One of the most important but challenging truths that we all must grow to accept is that everyone you start with will not finish with you and everyone you cheer for may not cheer for you and that is okay.
Growing up my grandmother was very strict and big on two things the first was not having a lot of friends in her personal space, and the second was staying out of other people’s drama. As kids this was a struggle and not so much fun for us because out of all the houses on the block and the kids in the neighborhood we were the only kids that were not allowed to have company and we were not aloud to enter their yards either. As an adult I now appreciate those teachings because it molded me to be okay with being a loner when necessary, I had no idea then the path that I would be walking later in life. I can honestly say that mentality and upbringing has shaped the way I accept, and responded to things and people that are revealed to me over time. All throughout my life I have experienced moments of feeling disappointed, and unexpected hurt but each time I was open to learning from those experiences that I would apply whenever I saw signs that reminded me of familiar experiences. The one thing I was very happy about was the fact that taking time to be alone and one with self-turned out to be very beneficial and fulfilling. I used to struggle with trying to figure out or make excuses for their actions and taking responsibility for it. The truth is that everyone is operating from their own level of consciousness and there are people many people that are struggling daily with past hurt and experiences that impacted and shapes who they are being today.
In closing I want to encourage everyone reading today to understand that in life we will experience a lot of ups and downs, confusion and hurt and the irony in that is they too serve a purpose. In the moment we may not understand it but always be mindful of how you are responding or internalizing your experiences. No matter how many times we fall it is our responsibility to get back up and rise without fear, Trust that God is always with us and never failing, It is not our duty to get consumed with trying to prevent or avoid experiences that you forget to enjoy life. Learn from your past appreciate your experiences and never lose essence of who you are because others failed to appreciate your greatness. Be unapologetically you be bold, be fearless, and no matter what remain true to yourself. Sometimes you have to walk alone to rise; the journey of mastering self and growing spiritually is personal and has nothing to do with what the world thinks or expects from you.
“Time has always been the greatest ally to Truth.”