Get Out Of Your Feelings

It takes approximately 30 seconds after deciding to do a task before our mind steps in and begin giving us excuses sometimes valid reasons as to why we can put it on hold for a later date. One of the most important facts many of us lose sight of is that our goals and dreams do not care about how we feel they care about us getting the work done. Ultimately, we have to decide how important Is accomplishing our goals and remain committed to trusting the process. Daily new challenges are present, and change is constant it is not our duty to try to fix what is happening, It is our duty to create solutions around our circumstances to keep going. The struggle that most of us face in our mind and emotions, if we do not fill our minds will positive thoughts and things to inspire action, we leave room for procrastination and limited thoughts. The effects of a wondering mind lead to emotional break downs and decisions. Our life is not built on how we feel and what we think should happen  having an open mind is puts on in a place of accepting the reality that there are many things that will happen in our life that we will have no control of ,but there are some important things that we do have control of.


I am a mother, a wife, a certified life coach, and a fitness and wellness coach, daily my duties require me to be in service living and leading by example to not only my family but to the world. Do I have days that my emotions are not working according to the commitments I have, on those days is when I have to have self-pep talks to remind myself of what is important.  One of most beautiful things that I am so grateful for is the how God created each and everyone of us with a gift that is to be given to each other. When you get to a place where you fully understand that it is not about you, you are equipped mentally to feel the emotions and still show up. There are a few things I practice doing daily to help me to rise in good spirits and enthusiasm to win the day. The first thing that I have to do is pray and meditate the days that I do not fulfill that commit is when I struggle the most with keeping my emotions intact and have mental clarity. Secondly I have to have tea and moment to write in my gratitude journal, setting my intentions daily  to focus on all the things that I do have and even the experiences I am blessed to have gone through eliminates the desire to complain or focus on the negatives.  There is no such thing as having the perfect system or secret to having the perfect day it is about doing what works for you and mastering self during the process, being in control of our emotions and not allowing them to ruin us.

Your Destiny Does Not Care About About Your Current Tantrums.


In closing the question I would like to ask everyone reading is how are you setting yourself up to win each day? are you prepared to overcome any obstacle that you are faced with , or are you spending your days waiting for things to shift or happen for you. Life is not happening to us it is a happening for us, in the face of adversity I challenge you to not fold but to stand firm and ask what is this mean to teach ,invest time trying to identify the silver lining or in other words the blessing in disguise.  The thing that we have no control of can no longer be our focus and concern the things that are in our control is what we must invest time mastering. Winning begins in the mind you owe it to yourself to rise daily and choose to be a winner in your mind, spirit, and your actions. Every experience we go through is a set up for the things that we have been praying for and working for, get out of your feelings we have come too far to quit now. Every day is your big moment shine and embrace the shifts and changes that each day brings.