Full Time Faith Walker
Walking by faith and not by sight is a very popular scripture that is often used when in transition to making a new decision that may be unfamiliar or considered to be a risk that takes us out of our comfort zone. The problem is as common as it is and as easy as it is to recite when in need of motivation and inspiration to get started, the truth is the act Is not always the easiest to practice. In some cases, it is easy depending on the severity of the challenge we are up against which leads to my next point and question. Are you walking by faith part time, or are you walking by faith full time, or are you walking by faith selectively? In life we will come up against many different struggles in different seasons and it is our responsibility to stand firm in faith and believe that we can rise above our current circumstances and struggles. Life is a box of mystery filled with lots of beautiful and blissful moments and then there are scary and devastating moments, but they are both equally important and necessary on our journey through life. There a many factor that play a role in how we waver in trusting the process and being a hundred percent confident in our faith that the end results of what we experience will come together for our good.
Money is one of the most common worries for many of us, it is the reason we will trade time and freedom. Miss out on important precious moments, the reason we will stay in a job or career that we no longer enjoy. The reality is we all have to grow to a place in life where we grow to fully understand and take advantage of the fact that God is our only and true source of provision, protection, health, and success. There is nothing that the things or people of this world could reward us that God cannot do. having little faith can open big doors and put us in places that no connection we have to a person can do. When you declare to be a believer and a person that is walking in faith it is important to build a personal and trusting relationship with God. Once we have that our faith walk is not easier, but our level of confidence and faith is different. Recently I found myself in a position that truly tested my faith, I accepted a part time position as a trainer at a gym. Being a personal trainer is a job that I love and enjoy so naturally I thought this would just flow into what I already do, and the plus was earning additional income. After three months of working there I began to feel really uncomfortable, boxed in and anxious. The job itself was not hard but being locked into a job was not a space that rewards me time or freedom to effectively work on my brand. Yes, it rewarded me additional income but it that too was equivalent to me just trading time for money because the time I was spending there I was robbing from the time I needed to be investing in my mission. The blessing was that I was able to identify what was happening it was a matter of being obedient and I will be honest I tried coming up with my own alternatives to work it out to have my time and the additional income. To sum it up my alternative solutions failed and the only option I had left which should have been my first was to resign, but there was still a great blessing and a lesson in this experience I will forever be grateful for.
“Be Employed In The Career Of Life As a Full-time Faith Walker.
- Shanett McNeill ”
In closing I am proud to share that I was reminded of two things the first is understanding that the plans that God has for our lives will require us to be obedient and trust Him. the second thing I was reminded of was that the things we chase are nothing compared to the giant of blessings that God has In store for us. The day that I decided to trust, and jump was the day I felt two things, I felt a sense of relief and gratitude for the unknown of how and what will happen next which in return created a shift in my finances. Today I want to encourage you all to do less spending with your time and more investing , time is precious and is nothing something we get to rewind while it is gifted to us let us not take not a second , not a minute , not a hour for granted. Allow yourselves to be aligned with things you desire on God’s timing an order of operation, while you patiently work be proactive in healing and growing physically, mentally, and spiritually in order to be in the position to receive the blessing. There is a lesson in every experience there is a blessing in every lesson learned. How we show up in one area of our lives is how we show up in all areas and we cannot have faith in one season and question God in another. Trust the process and be employed in the career of life as a full-time faith walker, you have what it takes to win and manifest, but you cannot do it without trusting the process.