Step Back To Take Flight

“Sometimes you have to lose to win again”  I always felt very empowered by this verse of a song by the  great  fantasia for two reason ,my first reason is because it is a fact of life , my second reason is I appreciate the blessing that losing brings forth. There are many things in life we may consider to be a loss or a major set back which in most cases they are. I strongly want to encourage you to change the language and the perception of our experiences. I have learned to see nothing as a loss consider every experience as a blessing and the things, I once considered to be a setback I receive as God’s divine way of protecting or redirecting my steps.  We have the power to choose the direction of which we want to channel or mind and our emotions , it is important to be in tune with self to know when it is time to work ,play , rest , and reset  and take a mental break. We are as good to others as we are too ourselves, our level of productivity is determined by the quality of our self-care mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The truth is not being in tune with self, not having a relationship with God, and failing to commit our plans to God first are all great losses that we all at one point or many times before have been guilty of.

I believe there a multiple way to cope with what we consider to be losses in our lives in order to successfully move forward being stronger, wiser and grateful for that experience. Writing down our goals gives us a sense of clarity and great visual before they are achieved. Having a plan of action puts us in line to actively pursue them, the question I have is how are you preparing mentally for this mission? The reason I ask is I believe it we that we can write it  down look at it daily and  have your plan set in place but if your mind is not equipped to take on the challenges and experiences that are coming our way we have already taken the risk of losing. It is important to have an open mind and a positive mindset if you plan to not only pursue but to push all the way through. Having an open mind places, us ten steps ahead of the game; while it is great that we have an open mind when we are hoping for the best but be sure to expect the unexpected. God’s will, will be done, meaning that when we come up on a roadblock on our journey it is our duty to respond with a heart of gratitude and be present to the blessings of a valuable lesson that we have received. Our time is rushed according to cultural expectations or traditions, God’s timing is perfect and there are no limits in His work. Patience is key and once we understand and accept that life is not out to get us, life does not owe us anything, it is our responsibility to trust God, be present and trusting of the process with an open mind and do the work.


When Fears Are Grounded
Dreams Take Flight

The moral of the story that I want you all to grasp is that winning is in the mind and losing is also in the mind in which we choose based on our feelings in regard to our experience and the level of discomfort we feel when life does not meet our expectations. The beauty about discomfort is that it relates to the term labor, and to be in labor is to be in position to give birth. Just as a woman gives birth to a child, we can give birth to our dreams, we can give birth to the life we desire to create. To be In labor conception has to take place and once we have conceived in our minds the vision it is our responsibility to nurture, feed, and protect it until it is time to give birth.  If you find that you have been In a season of discomfort and pain, consider it a blessing and begin to get ready for labor. We cannot afford to waste any time complaining and being distracted by our expectations of how we believe things should happen and stay focused on the mission with an open mind to God’s timing. Do not give up you have come to far and you are so close to a breakthrough take a deep breath and keep going always remember sometimes you have to take two steps back in order to take ten steps forward.