Relax & Trust God
/Can you remember a moment in your life weather present, or the past being overwhelmed and extremely weary about your circumstances or being faced with an unexpected challenge? I can recall experiencing these very same emotions on many occasions in my life. The one thing that I remembered most was when it was over, and I realize it was not as bad as I thought and the fact that it was not as impossible as I thought it would be to overcome. The irony Is after each experience every time I was faced with a new challenge, I would go through the same motions all over again and in the end coming to the same conclusion. The question I often asked myself was “why do you put yourself through extreme stress every time an adversity or challenge is present in your life.” to me what that was, and it was the obvious lack of faith and trust in my process. Change is can be scary, sometimes challenging, and very uncomfortable most times but I am sure we can all agree that change is necessary tour growth. The problem is not being flexible in our plans to adapt and create solutions to be able to thrive.
How do you change your perspective or how do you create a solution to take on life challenges? The first step that has been a huge benefit for my personal development and growth is committing to growing spiritually developing a prayer life. the reality is no matter what your religious beliefs are it is important to remain grounded in the source of our existence. The second important step I had to take on was my mind changing my perspectives, changing my thoughts and learning to see the good in everything. The third step for me was seeking accountability by surrounding myself with other like minded individuals that had the same goals. Making a commitment to change is hard but having someone to share the experience with and to hold each other accountability helps to keep us going. One of the many facts of life is that we were not created to experience life alone and understanding that life is not happening to us it is happening for us, and we are not the only ones experiencing struggles. Today the woman I am and still striving to become is someone the old me would be very proud of. Are you willing to get comfortable with being uncomfortable to grow in all areas of your life?
In closing I want to remind you all that the life you deserve is right on the other side of fear the moment you start trusting the timing and the process of your life you can be free to thrive in life with purpose. Do not be limited by your circumstances or past mistakes, most importantly do not allow negative thoughts to shape your reality. We are not in control of time and we cannot predict what will happen next but what we can do is always hope for the best and expect the unexpected. Learning to not take any of our experiences as a personal attack is key to being present , accepting what is and doing our best to create a solution as we trust that God knows best .Everything that we experience is apart of our story and an important contribution to our growth. Love the life you have been blessed with and love yourself enough to make changes that will grant you fulfilment and joy. The world owes you nothing the people in your life is not responsible for your happiness or how you fulfill your purpose in life. It is up to you to make the best out of every situation and making every single day of your life count for something. I challenge you to no longer stress about the things you cannot change or have no control of and focus on what is in your control with confidence that you have what it takes to win.
“Stop Worrying About The Outcome ,Trust The Process and Embrace The Journey.”