Take A Stand For Your Life
/I always found it ironic that we will settle for a job that causes us to compromise our time and free will, with little to no fulfillment if any but we are most terrified to take risks to experience a life that we love. How do you achieve your goals by doing the same things without changing and taking risks to produce new results? There is no success in fear and success does not come without sacrifices, the reality is most people are not willing to sacrifice their comfort zones for the unknown. The should have, could have, would have song is one that we all know very well and have sung many times when we fail to take advantage of opportunities presented to us. Often many people’s reason for not taking risks is they are afraid of the unknown, My answer to that is everyday is the unknown. We do know what each day holds, our jobs, our home, our cars, and life in general is the unknown because you never know what is coming next. The truth is the there is no security in our jobs even with a degree and qualifications at any moment you can be laid off, fired, or even worse be subject to a pay cut. Without realizing it trusting and relying only on your set income is a risk because if the worst-case scenario presents itself your family is not secured. There is nothing wrong with having a steady income the issue is in settling for just that. The human mind is very unique an we all are blessed the skills of survival, but we are also blessed with the ability to thrive and live a life we love with complete joy and fulfillment.
The fear we focus on prevents us from being the CEO of our lives and a lot of the time we have to know when it is time to take inventory of our mental and physical space, circle of influences, and finances. We must know when It is time to fire old habits, people that are not adding value, and fill those positions with what we need. The one thing that most people aspire to have is time and free will to what they want and what they love daily. Last week my husband had a week off from work and we committed to investing time to create memories and enjoying each other. This week had me present to how much time we lose with the people we love and inspired me to work a little smarter and aggressively to take off In business. One day at a time I am focused on making each day count, when I think about the cost of giving up the only option, I have is to deliver.so often on our journey we forget that our purpose is bigger than us and so we must become selfless in our approach. Showing up because we have a commitment and not because we may or may not feel like it depends on the day or the weather. As a life coach balancing my personal life and showing up for others can be a challenge but it is a challenge that I am willing to take on. The question we must all be wiling to ask ourselves is how important is the thing that we pursue and is it just about instant gratification, or are you committed to making a difference?
“Pray, Then Let It Go, Don’t Try
And Manipulate Or Force
The Outcome. Just Trust God
To Open The Right Doors
At The Right Time Amen.”
In closing I want to remind you all that everything and anything is possible if we believe and have faith to take the first steps and never quit stepping no matter how difficult your days may be. We all have what it takes succeed there is nothing more extraordinary than a successful person and a person that is not the only difference is in the choice. Success is a choice it does not happen by luck or chance; in everything we do God already knows our plans and already knows our destiny. We never have to walk in fear when we trust in God to guide and protect us on all of our endeavors. The choice is yours to make will you choose to walk in your purpose fearlessly or continue to settle with excuses for your life? Knowing your worth and believing that we were created for greatness is the first steps to claiming your crown as the king/queen God created you to be. The only thing guaranteed is God’s promise and love for us that we can whole heartedly trust and be confident in. The past does not limit our ability to change and grow but we must begin take one step at a time day by day, no one said you had to be perfect to start but you must get started to be great. I dear you to walk in confidence for the grace of God surrounds you in everything you desire and dream of, but most importantly include Him in everything you do by committing all your plans on to God first.