Your Source Of Strength Is God
/Knowing who you are and being confident in your vision is key when your purpose in life is bigger than you. I believe that my duty and calling In life is to be in service to others however it is not the easiest commitment to keep. Everyday there is new challenge and a new obstacle course that we take on with the right mindset and attitude. The challenge is more difficult when you are more focused on the end results instead of trusting or enjoying the process and applying the lessons. We must always be open to hoping for the best and expecting the unexpected, the people that we expect to be on a journey with us may not be ready to be there. For many of us this is the hardest part of the journey to accept our responsibility is to rely on God and set our hopes and expectations on Him. There will come a time when we have to let go of the things, people, and places that no longer serves us. The reality is the choices we make cannot be based on who will be happy or upset we must know when to decide what is more important to us. Our purpose is a gift from God we cannot deny our calling. God makes no mistakes and the more we choose to follow his lead the greater the journey.
In addition, would like to share that it is extremely important be present in every moment. The truth is sometimes we are so bent out of shape about the lack of support but truthfully that is the best form of support, we must be open to accept when someone is being true to their themselves. Although we all would love to have support there is nothing more dis appointing than to receive support with malicious intent behind them. The greatest support we will ever receive is God’s love and favor over our lives. In the beginning of my journey I spent way too much time defending, explaining, and being offended by people that I placed unrealistic expectations on. Today I have learned to listen without internalizing what is being said, a lot of the times I was not understanding of the fact that people are going through a personal battle. In those dark moments to feel better projecting their insecurities and fears unto others is their outlet. The lack of support is one battle and you also have the entitlement battle to fight. There will be people that will never make a genuine effort to support you but will be very open to expecting a seat on the train. The question I had to ask myself was do I look for support because I feel like I am lacking what it takes to keep going, and is it worth the headache. I am glad to walk a mile alone in faith knowing that this is temporary and in due time God will provide me what I need and the kind of love and support I deserve.
Everything in God’s plan and timing is perfect, spend less time holding on, dwelling, and questioning what has already been ordained to happen. Invest your time in appreciating how God is always there when we need him most, not when we want him. Everything in life has a price and time is very valuable and expensive. Our vision is our own to create and live in purpose we have everything we need to succeed already within. Be your biggest fan, your greatest supporter, and inspiration, you matter and what you have to offer matters. Invest time in learning to understand who you are and ask yourself are you seeking support or validation, Remember we do not need the temporary satisfaction. What we have is a lifetime supply of blessings when we rely on God, give all of worries and burdens on to him and trust that they will be taken care of. I am happy to walk a mile alone in purpose and allow God to bless me in ways that no man has ever seen or heard of. I challenge you to affirm greatness daily by saying “ I am open to endless possibilities I know that I have all that I need and I am prepared to face all my challenges head on with confidence as I am committed to walking in faith and not by sight.
“Let God’s Promises Shine On Your Problems. ”