Beautifully Flawed
/“Once you have accepted your flaws there is nothing no one can use against you”, there is beauty in the things we identify with to be a flaw or a weakness. The truth is many of us spend too much time-wasting time being our own worst enemy. There Is an ongoing struggle that we all experience it varies from many different sources, pressure of society, friends, family, and sometimes in our career, to fit into the picture of what has been painted for us. Knowing who we are and loving everything about ourselves is one of the key steps to not being a victim of peer pressure and unrealistic expectations. Our flaws do not determine our value it is the opposite the things that we struggle with or see as a flaw is exactly what makes us unique. The one thing that I have learned and remain very present to is that we can do anything that we put our minds to even the things that we believe are challenge or impossible to obtain. The best way to overcome these challenges is to make a choice to not be afraid to strengthen your weaknesses. One day at a time we must be willing to dedicate time to practice, being patient with ourselves, and working to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The areas that we feel less confident or see as a flaw when becomes challenging to engage in because it requires a level of discomfort that no one truly is ready for.
This is where learning to accept what God sends into our life weather, we understand them or not plays a huge part in our personal development through life. The challenge is not the flaws the challenge is in trusting the outcome when we are unsure of what God’s plans are for our life. The more energy we put into believing the limiting thoughts about ourselves is the farther we are from a breakthrough. The goal for everyone should be centered around self-mastery and strengthen our weaknesses. I have met a lot of people that are very afraid of public speaking for many reasons, I was one of them too reason being I didn’t think I was good at it and I was afraid of failing at it. Today my business requires for me to speak to people daily weather it is via social media or in person the reality is I had to make a choice to work to overcome fear. I also had to recognize that I had a voice and I had something to say that heals and changes lives. I recognized that this was an area I felt week in, but I knew that it was the area of my life that would make a difference. I began to take baby steps doing short videos based on real life events sharing myself authentically, at first, I avoided listening to the audio after recording. The reason I did that was I knew that I was a very tough judge of my own work, I did not want to over think or criticize myself so much that I would take away from the message. Today I am a lot more comfortable with speaking before people and I no longer have anxiety behind listening to my videos after recording.
“To Be Human Is To Be Beautifully Flawed”
In closing I want to remind everyone that it is not what people think of you that matters it is how you think and feel about yourself that matters. “it is not what you are called that matters it is what you answer to that makes a difference”. It is very important that we all grow to love and understand who we are and be open to accept the way God made us individually. The battle is not with society it is within, the thoughts we create and believe about ourselves is real. I challenge you to begin to admire yourself all of you internally and externally. Instead of running from challenges and being embarrassed by what we believe to be flaws, change your mind and shift your perspective to create a different picture one that is empowering to your life. The hardest part is changing your mindset once you are able to shift the way you think your actions begin to align. We are all created in the image of God that alone should mean so much more to us about who we are, who we are created to be. Everyday will be challenging every day we are tested, and for each test some may experience failing on the first attempt but always remember that does not define your worth and value you add in the world. Wake up rise up, and reclaim your time and know your worth, you are worth so much more than what you have been taught to accept.