Live By Your Own Rules
/“Live Your Life To The Fullest
On Your Terms ,Let Faith Be Your GPS.”
Are you happy with your life, are you content with the choices you have made to get where you are today? There was a point in my life where my soul purpose and intention in life was to make sure my mother would be proud of me and happy. What that looked like for me was me being very hard on myself, making sure that I never quitting on any of my commitments in life. I was not like that because it was what I wanted to do; I would do that because I believed it was the right thing to do. I was always very fearful of what people might think about me and how disappointed my mother would be. I felt this until I was a twenty-one-year-old certified medical assistant working full time in the gastroenterology department. In the beginning I was excited about having a stable job, benefits, and good money so I thought. I was living from pay check to pay check and was very unhappy with the environment at work, That period in my life was when I learned that no matter how much benefits or raise you will never truly be paid your worth, and money cannot buy happiness or fix anything we are struggling with internally. The moment in my life when I felt free and was truly happy was June 14,2016 when I decided that would be my last day at my job, it was the beginning of something new. When I made this decision at first, I was so terrified of what my mother would say. In that moment for the first time I decided I was ready to live for me, I had to ask myself “what does Shanett need, what makes Shanett happy? My happiness was my responsibility, I took a stand for the life and I believed that I deserved more.
I will be the first to admit that working a job is easier than creating your own vision, but working on your dreams it is worth it all in the long run. I am not encouraging anyone to wake up and quit their jobs without a vision or a plan for the work they would have to put in. The desire to make my mother proud was still apart my plan the difference was only this time it would be on my terms and doing something I truly love that makes me happy was now my first priority. I shared to remind everyone reading today how important it is to live your life freely without compromising your happiness. Are you unsure or afraid of living to create the life you desire because of how others will judge you? I want you to take a moment to close your eyes and have a conversation with God first after I want you to look in the mirror and ask yourself what do you deserve? It is impossible to become successful and wealthy doing all the right things that meets everyone’s expectations. We only have one shot at life we never get to restart a day, we never get to be the same age twice. Our intentions when we rise each day should be centered around what can commit to that will add value to your life taking you closer to creating a life that you desire.
The journey will not be an easy, but it will be the most memorable moment in your life and will mean the most when you chose to embrace your own individual uniqueness. No one can live our lives for us we cannot afford to waste time living for anyone else. Everyone has been given their own mission and purpose in life it is up to us to take a stand for our life. Seek clarity in the choices you make that they are about your happiness and fulfillment and not about being accepted by the world around you. The peace and true joy that you desire begins with you, you are the only one that must live with the choices you made or did not make. Close your eyes breath, take a leap of faith and get to work your future and your happiness depends on it. There will be setbacks there will be moments of feeling fearful and having doubt. In those moments I encourage you to remember where you started from, how far you have come, and have good faith that greater is coming just hold on and keep pushing.