Working Smarter Not Harder
/“A closed mouth does not get fed, ask and you shall receive”, I was once that person that my pride and my independent spirit prevented me from learning things that I need. In life that most people are afraid to ask for help, information, or guidance for multiple reasons. Some people are afraid to ask for help due to their up bringing which may have promoted them to be self-sufficient. Some people may be afraid to ask for help because maybe their parents or care givers were not present or available to them, which promotes the attitude of not needing or wanting assistance from anyone but are open to being of assistance to others. That perception is false and one that is created in our minds beginning as a child, the truth is it is ok to ask for help when needed. The thing about life is we never stop learning there is always room for improvement and growth. Professional athletes have coaches, motivational speakers have coaches or mentors, because we are never at a place in life where we know it all, and we should never want to be a know it. Once we master one level our focus should be on learning new to advance to the next level in our life or journey.
I believe that each day we are blessed with life is a new day to release somethings, learn something new and apply it to the best of our advantage. We cannot afford to waste time and there is no amount of money that can afford what we are worth. I remember when I was working in the hospital and I used to say daily I do not get paid enough to deal with situations that were disturbing to my mental space. The sad truth that I learned was that no matter how many raises I would receive I would never be paid my worth by compromising my peace and time doing things that I did not love. I had to change a few things one was seeking clarity on what I wanted for my life and accepting what it would take to accomplish them. In order to grow and learn new there was some belief systems that I had to be willing to let go. I had to teach myself that asking questions would not make me weak or be perceived as less than another, it is not what we know that hurts us it is what we do not know that affects us. Asking for help and taking advantage of the people or resources that we have access helps us to work smarter not harder. Working smarter helps us to do more in shorter durations, the best teachings comes through experience so we may not get it right at first, but it is not too late to get it right.
“The Only Mistake You Can Make Is Not Asking For Help. -Sandeep Jauhar”
Change begins with us and we have power to make choices that will change our circumstances. The first step is being grateful for all that you learned that guided you up until this point in your life. secondly being open to learning new and doing things that makes us uncomfortable but is necessary. surround yourself with successful people that do what you desire to. Be intentional with Putting yourself in rooms that are teaching the subjects of life that you need help with to take you on this next chapter in your life. We no longer need to dwell on all that we wish we knew and all the mistakes that we made with what we knew, doing the best with what you have is not a crime or anything to be ashamed of. Success leaves clues but without asking questions or putting yourself in the places that will provide us with the information we need to excel and continue to aim higher in life you will only be cheating yourself. Life is constantly taking us through new experiences some we enjoy in the moment and some that are more difficult but are lessons that will be valuable in the future. The question is are you willing to let go of what you knew that has not been working for you, to make room for the unknown that can open doors for new opportunities in your life.