Represent Your Purpose
/“. Be true to yourself commit to your purpose and remain calm in the eye of the storm.”
The time we spend complaining about all the things that are going wrong in our lives is time being wasted that we are robbing ourselves of an opportunity to create a solution. It is much easier to fall victim to our circumstances and complain about them. From my own personal experience that has never been of any benefit to my goals and I have never created solutions through complaints. How do I limit the desire to complain? I make a conscious effort to replace the act of complaining with a thought of gratitude. In the moment it is natural that our emotions will act first, but it is our responsibility to be think before we react. Everything does not require a reaction in everything we do we must practice being disciplined in self-control which will benefit us a great deal in that moment and in the future. I do not believe in accidents and I do not believe in coincidences, you never know who is listening or watching us. I do believe that the more we set our intentions on our desires to transform the more we are tested, not to cause harm but to strengthen us. The way we handle situations can either make or break us the goal is to always remain cool, calm, and collective even when it feels extremely difficult to do so. It is easy to be polite and professional when this are going in your favor, but we are more effective and respected when we do not allow everything to take our power of being in control.
I am a very passionate person about everything that I do so this has been one of the main things I struggled with, not allowing my passion or emotion to dictate how I handle adversities. One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is that I must never allow anything to steel my joy or disturb my peace. I have the power resolve situations without losing control of my actions and the words that I say. I am a firm believer that the energy we put out is exactly what we will receive in return, and if I expect to receive good things, I must give good things. The type of day I am having or the obstacles I am facing should never change who I am committed to being as a person. The art of being mindful and present to who we are being always is extremely important. First impressions can become a lasting impression and having people in your corner that are willing to tell you the ugly truth is a blessing. The very things we are working hard at changing and building can be lost in an instant due to one bad experience. “First impressions are everything” I will never forget the day that I was extremely upset about something in the mall and my husband saying to me ‘ I understand your frustration but you must always remember who you are and what you represent always.” He then emphasized on a very valid point that you never know who is watching and that same person could possibly be someone that would be a client one day or someone that needs my help but because of their first encounter with you they were discouraged to ask. In that moment that was not something I wanted to hear but I knew this something I needed to be open to receiving. A month later I recall being t the gym and someone approached me and said, “hey I know you I follow you on Instagram I love your energy you are so inspiring.”
In that moment I was instantly reminded of how important it is to always maintain a positive and loving attitude and It was pure confirmation of theory my husband shared prior to this happening that I am forever grateful for. The irony about hearing her expression of joy to meet me in person made me reflect back to the day that I was upset and I placed her at this scene to get a visual of how this beautiful stranger could have lost everything she felt and thought about me due to one bad experience. The moral of the story is there is nothing or no one worth losing your integrity to yourself and your purpose. We must always remember our mission and how important it is that we protect who we are and what we represent always. It is important to treat every opportunity as the golden moment that could change our lives. We never want our emotions to be the reason we miss our opportunity to display grace and excellence. Our purpose is bigger than us and we never want to rob any one of the opportunities to be blessed by what you have to offer. In every situation always remember that it is a test of our commitment to our purpose. It takes self-discipline and a strong mindset to remain humble and noble even in the face of adversity, but it will be worth it in the long run. Be true to yourself commit to your purpose and remain calm in the eye of the storm.