Think Possible Make It Possible
/What if one day you wake, and you receive a message that tells you that you have in fact been going about life the wrong way and that your belief system has set you back a few years what would you do? This was the kind of experience I had this weekend I was hit with a reality check of what I knew versus what I did not know, in fact I also learned that the things I did not know where the things I needed to get familiar with. The very undeniable fact in life is that it is not about what you have, it is not about what you know, or what you have been through it is simply about your willingness to change when it is necessary. The problem most of us have faced is the choice of fear, we choose to fear the unknown and continue to trust the things we do know but are not rewarding to us at all. When we choose to live in fear we choose to settle and remain the same. Our mindset contributes this way of thinking and acting somehow, we believe in the valid and limited excuses we give ourselves. This leads me to this question would you be willing to change your belief system, forgetting what you do know that does not work and committed to learning what you do not know and making it work would you?
The reason why the answer to that question by most would be no is simply because we are so consumed by the know it all syndrome, but if you know it all then there is no room for growth. The moment we stop learning is the moment we stop growing. Fortunately for us the moment we choose to change we can all learn and grow to understand the true value of time, the true benefits of taking risks and being educated on what you do not know. Living the life, we desire does not come through comfort we have to go through the labor process in order to give life in pure manifestation. We are the only thing that stops us from living and creating we have too many excuses and we know all the answers as to why something will not work and no facts on how it all could work. The main reason why change can be difficult sometimes is determined by our circle of influence, our circle of influence are usually our close family, friends, or significant others. It is ok to keep achieving success in silence by simply eliminating all the negative energy by outside influence and go with what you truly believe and see possible for your life.
Today in this present moment is the only time we have access to, with only twenty-four hours in a day and seven days a week we cannot afford to waste time. Your life is what you choose if you choose comfort and fear your life will reflect just that, if you choose risk and faith the results of your life will reflect that. The best option to have is have no option but to rise above our current circumstances, the ball is in your court you can either analyze the situation, focus, then dribble all the way to the basket. Or you can choose to stand undecided, not focused, and pass up opportunities that could make a difference to not only your life but to the people that you love the most. If you have a vision for your life now is the time to allow yourself to run free in it release all limiting beliefs in order to elevate your mind and rise to the occasion. True success and happiness are possible if you choose it and failure and regret is possible if you continue to accept less than what you deserve. There are no short cuts in life, but you do limit your chances of living in regret when you open your mind and your heart to new, risky, and exciting opportunities daily. You are what you think, and you do what you believe, I dare you to write yourself a new script and a new action plan to living an unapologetic happy and successful life.
“The Beauty About What You Don’t Know,
Is The Possibility That It Just Might Work.”