Live With Excitement
/“A Little Bread Is Much When God Is In It. ”
Every day that I rise I am filled with more excitement for a new day and all the new possibilities that await me, I set my intentions on giving and receiving good vibrations as I go through the day. In every moment I focus on seeing the miracle in every moment in life, I have been learning that the more I focus on giving thanks for everything is the more I learn and the more I learn is the more I am able to connect and align myself according to God’s plan. This has been a very long and challenging process but learning to control my mind has changed my life in more ways than I ever imagined. I find it amazing how much you never know what you were capable of until tapping into your magic became your only option. Once I experienced that feeling, I knew I could never go back to playing safe or better yet living within the guidelines of everyone’s expectation for my life. There is a sense of freedom and a feeling of joy that happens when you learned the true meaning and value of your life, you get protective of your time and your peace. There are a lot of things that people can take from us but our happiness, our purpose and mission in life is up to us the choices we make is what will either take us higher or keep us down.
One of the most important things I have learned and found it to be an important tool in my life is to always protect my peace, to avoid compromising that for anything or anyone is a challenge but is rewarding. I look at who I am today, and I will not say that I do not have events and experiences that touches me in ways that challenges me to react and when we are reacting out of emotions the actions are irrational and out of character. The question I must ask myself during my trials is, is this worth it, will I rise above or throw in the towel, the more I focus on the cost of risking all that I love and my purpose I declare it is never worth it. The journey is long, and it is hard at times, but it takes one day or a moment of test to fail and risk it all. We all have made mistakes that we are not proud of and some we even wish we could take back even those moments are a valuable piece of our story. Life is always happening changes are constantly happening the ability to adapt and remain in peace is where we have strength. Our true strength is not our physical strength it is about our mental strength, our ability to choose our battles wisely and choose to walk in peace.
I have learned that fighting every battle we are faced with is simply a distraction the real battle is within ourselves learning to be obedient to your purpose and remaining calm even when in the middle of heat and fire. It is not about what you have been through it is how you come out on the other side of your storms when God is in it you will be left without physical proof but a story that only you can write after to bless many. The struggle we all face daily is trusting God many will panic first worry after then turn to God last, I encourage you to turn to God first, believe that it is already done. thank him in advance and keep going. I would like to share this message with everyone reading today “a little bread is much when God is I it “, when you feel you do not have much always remember that what you have right now is a blessing from God. Trust in him always live in gratitude and the rewards of the patient believer will be more than you can handle. Waking up each day and choosing to live in complete excitement and peace is the most rewarding feeling you can give to yourself, let go of anxiety, learn to walk away to stay focus on the real mission.