Strange Connections
/““There Are No Accidental Meetings Between Souls.” ”
Life is a mystery and every day there is a new clue that is put in place to help us put the puzzle together, the irony is we are not meant to do this alone. There will be a lot of people that come into your life whether it being for just a season, or even just a moment of brief conversation trust that there is a divine reason for it all. It takes some people longer than others not because anyone is greater than the other but simply because we are all operating for own level of consciousness. What I have learned is missing from people and society is togetherness, the mindset of being separate from each other is what holds us back as a human race. There are more people living to compare, compete, and judge, vs listening, loving, and understanding everyone’s perspective outside of their own. If everyone would take more pride in being selfless than only living to validate their place in the world, with little knowledge that validation is not needed and who we are and that our place in this world is already solidified by God. The first step is to achieve this is by first seeing yourself in everything and everyone, getting present to why you experience things and why you are meant to connect with specific people.
The reality is there is always a bigger picture beyond the one we tend to focus on because it is what we can see with our eyes, this is where listening comes in to play. Listening not to respond but to understand and connect, in that is where you can become an ear and be in service because the truth is, we all have wisdom that comes from our learning experiences. Just because you do not know someone does not mean you cannot provide love or comfort to them and most importantly helping them heal. I have gotten so present and open to the idea that energy does lie and that nothing is a coincidence if you are in a place where some one just feels so free to be open to you, you now have a responsibility to be there for them by receiving them. We will never really know what people are going through at home and your energy in that moment Could be God’s gift to them, the only way to be used to fulfil God’s purpose is to forget about you and what you think about you. God uses everyone there is no resume needed to be used by God no matter what level you believe you are at in life God knows your purpose and what you are capable of. Taking that step to allow yourself to be moved and connect with love even for a stranger could completely change your life and most importantly bless someone else in that moment.
One of the biggest ironies and mystery in life to me is that very often we limit our love to just the people we knew all our lives, family, friends, or significant others because it seems like the right thing to do. Love should not have a limit how we treat people in the world reflects how we love ourselves and God most importantly. There should be no rules or conditions to who you love or timing on when you love someone, a stranger could bless your life and show you love in an instant more than you have felt your whole life. To receive love and give love we must be open to love everything and everyone no matter who they are or how well you know them love should have no limit or condition as to how and who we give our love to. We all need love and sometimes in life the only people that could help us in our lowest moments is a complete beautiful stranger that sees no flaws or is invested in judging you they were sent to just share love and understanding. When I experience these moments of love and bliss with complete strangers whether I am at a store, the gym, social media you name it I am always open, and my heart feels joy. I get to learn something, and I always get to connect with another beautiful soul that reminds me that I am not alone everyone is experiencing life.