Healthy Connections
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Choose Peace.”
Relationships can have a lot of influence and impact in our lives from friendships, family, parents, or significant others, they are all different types of relationships with a lot in common. I believe all relationships have basic common qualities that promotes a healthy and flowing relationship, from communication, understanding, support, and love. The relationships in our life can either contribute to your vision for your life or be a distraction and only subtract from your vision, for this reason communication is very important. Sharing our feelings and communicating what our boundaries about what we are open to and what we are not opened to is important, people can only respect and treat you the way you wanted to be treated if you not only tell them but display that same level of love and respect for yourself and others. No one is a mind reader and it is not anyone’s responsibility to read our minds to have peace and understanding in your relationships you must communicate; healthy communication makes the love and support easy and genuine. It is easier because communication gives a clear image of who we are, and they can either accept you for you are or not, but everyone has a clear understanding of how to treat each other.
However, communication is to provide information it is not for us to create expectations on others that they may not be able to fill, this is how you protect your peace. If there is someone in your life that just seems to be unable to respect and love you for who you are there is no need to debate or be upset this is an opportunity to choose peace. You choose peace by understanding that what you need from that person they may not understand it neither or they capable of fulfilling them we are able to let go and detach. Everyone comes from all different walks of life different upbringing, understanding, and cultural differences so what may be second nature to some can be foreign to others, and we must be open to understanding all sides to know how to move forward in ways that is beneficial to you and them. I have learned that on your journey to success there are levels and changes that we go through, the way we think the way act, and the quality of our conversations change. In these times is when most of our relationships are challenged, strengthened, or their season comes to an end, it can be very difficult and heart breaking sometimes. The reality is not everyone you start with you will finish with some people are prepared to journey with you and some are just not up for the journey and we as individuals must know when that time has come to an end. One of the most limiting things to do on your journey is trying to hold on to everything and everyone that prevents us from soaring high. Just like an air plane has a weight requirement so does our dreams.
It is extremely important to make sure that not only are you succeeding in your professional life, but you must make sure to have success in your personal life. I am firm believer that how you are in one are of your life is how you will show up in every area and if at home there is no peace and harmony, we begin to internalize those emotions that will later affect our professional performance. There is a time and a place, season and a reason for everything and we must be able recognize and accept when it is time to let go and when to hold on and prepare to take flight. In life the bridges we cross the obstacles we face are never intended to be a personal vendetta from the universe they are gems we receive to guide us on our path it is all in how we perceive and use them to our advantage instead of seeing them as a disadvantage. I want to encourage everyone to make it a priority to set the foundation to create good and conducive relationships in your life starting with yourself first we can only be to others what we are to ourselves. It begins with you it starts within and once we master that we can attract and align ourselves with people that can contribute to our journey and vice versa.