Rise Up With Gratitude
/“The Struggle Ends When Gratitude Begins.”
Rising with thanksgiving and having a heart filled with gratitude promotes the energy mentally to be happy, open, and optimistic to what life has to offer in each day. I belief that the moment we can grasp the understanding that each day is simply a gift and not a guarantee the more appreciative we are just to receive such a blessing. The one fact that a lot of people including myself at one point seem to miss or ignore is that every day is filled with new what I like to call the opportunity for a fresh start. There is no need and room to carry over the burdens and stress of yesterday into a new day that only promotes low energy and moments of regret, doubt, fear, and depression, and lack of motivation to rise above what our circumstances are. Life is not about what happens or the experiences we go through it is about how we react and our approach to move forward with a solution rather than settling into a setback. What I mean by settling into a setback is to wake up each day being a victim to your circumstances and putting the responsibility on the people in your life to make you happy or provide comfort. The measure of how happy we live Is our own responsibility and how capable we are to choose to be happy no matter what our circumstance are by living in complete gratitude for everything.
“Forget the mistake but remember the lesson,” this quote is very important something we should remind ourselves to do daily, simply because a lot of the times we allow our mistakes or what we consider to be failure in our life to continue to dictate who we are being and how we get through each day. Making the conscious effort to focus on the bigger picture and seeing the good in everyday no matter how much we may have struggled is freeing and self-empowering, only focusing on the negative and what we wish for is dis-empowering. What happened has already happened what we have now is now and that is all we can focus on and the only moment we do have control of. Centering my thoughts and setting my intentions daily to focus on gratitude all day especially first thing in the morning has be become a lifestyle for me and a non- negotiable. Why first thing in the morning because that is the time of the day where our mind is most vulnerable and when we can decide on what type of day we want to have. Training our minds to focus on the good does not mean we are blind or in denial to struggles or adversities, remaining positive does not mean that life is perfect it simply means being in control of our emotions, our desires to react or complain about the things we cannot change.
When you can choose between being stuck or flowing choose to flow and how we flow best is to choose to live in the present with a grateful heart and mindset. A shift in our life can only occur if there is a shift in our mind, and our attitude towards each day. Me secret is the moment I open my eyes I am instantly excited about the day and seeing my husband and daughter is the icing on the cake. There are a lot of things we can be thankful from the heat in our home, hot water to shower, a good night’s rest, they may seem small but when you think about the fact that there are people that would be happy just to have that. Take nothing for granted and stop stressing over the little stuff everyday someone loses a loved one, someone is diagnosed with an illness, people are facing high levels of unfortunate circumstances does not make your circumstance not valid on the difficulty scale it just helps you to appreciate the fact that it could be worse. The next time you think about complaining take a second to say thank God I am alive, I am well, I have a home, and I can create new today. I am grateful for all that I have all that I have lost, all that I am about to receive and the challenges I must encounter to learn from, growth through and glow.