Your Dream Is Your Responsibility
/The power of focusing on your dreams and being present in each day to collect the gems is beneficial not only for our future self but also for where we are right now. From my own experience I have learned several things about myself and how to manage life instead of trying to control everything especially the things that are out of my reach. One of my many goals and most important goal coming into 2019 was to commit to personally developing my mind and spiritual growth, making choices that creates solution versus complaining or victimizing myself to my current circumstances. Instead of asking why and seeking an alternative in my mind I have learned how to put that energy into focusing on how to go through each challenge I am faced with and taking it all one day at time paying attention to what is manageable for me to continue to progress. One of the may facts of life is we must always be careful what we ask for and always be mindful that we must be prepared for the level of work that it takes to get to there.
Our dreams are from the heart and the level of love we have for ourselves to create the life that we desire is a lifetime commitment and continuous growing process. One important thing I have learned is that we must be able to take charge and be responsible for how we go about building our business instead of waiting for the answers to find you be active in research. There is a very wise old saying that goes a closed mouth does not get fed but I have learned, and I strongly believe that asking questions is a must and is beneficial but what you do with the information that you received is another story. There are plenty of ways and resources available to equip ourselves properly to make sure that we have received accurate information to further our own knowledge. The reality is just because you asked a question and received an answer it does not make them responsible for any short comings and the same way they have access to specific information we are also in the position to educate ourselves. We all want the end results but a lot of the times we focus more on expecting everything to be perfect with no challenges and neither do we want to put in the in-depth work that will make our break us in the future.
“You And You Alone Are Responsible For Taking Actions To Create The Life Of Your dreams. Nobody Else Can Or will Do It For You.”
I share this today to say that asking is always great but taking the intuitive to self-educate and fill yourself with the knowledge benefits us in multiple ways. This not only provides protection, but we can be more conducive to our dreams than always taking away from our goal, we can save time, money, and to know enough insight to not be taken advantage of because of what we do not know. I am encouraging everyone to take responsibility for your dreams, and your growth because your future depends on it. listen to understand and take the necessary actions to elevate making the proper connections, always taking charge of the things you do have control over and allowing all that is out of our control to flow and align itself at the right time. Learn to trust that God’s timing is perfect time, patience is key while you wait make it a priority to be content with the right now, being happy no matter what your circumstances are, and no matter what work harder on yourself. Our growth as a person prepares us mentally, physically and emotionally for the next level, pace yourself and work silently in research, faith, and commitment. The knowledge you seek is already within allow yourself to trust yourself enough to do the work even after asking questions you are responsible for the actions you take.