Your Best Is Good Enough
/“Always Do Your Best What You Plant Now You Harvest Later .
Today I will participate in life to the best of my ability, regardless of the outcome, that makes me a winner - the language of letting go. When I read this statement, it was confirmation for me it also gave me a sense of comfort and relief in my mind. The reason being is being an entrepreneur or a person that is committed to building their dream or journey in life sometimes it gets difficult, but it is not always process that is hard a lot of the time it is how critical we are on ourselves. We are our own worst enemies we invest a lot of time after creating something criticizing our own work so much that we begin to believe that other people will not receive our work or find value in our work. It is a natural act to take time to check your work and to ensure that you have dotted all your I’s and crossed all your T’s but there is such a thing as being too critical that you remove something that could have possibly been the key piece of your work. This is where our lack of confidence is evident when we being to second guess and doubt that what we have is good enough, this is the very thing that will keep us stagnant on our journey. The act of doubt is also another form of procrastination and a sign of fear, because we fear the outcome of our work we over criticize and then ponder on whether you should complete it or strongly consider changing it.
The more time spent debating with yourself fighting doubt and fear it does become a logic case of procrastination and a valid excuse. Why is it a valid excuse? because anything that keeps us away from mastering or completion is an excuse and a distraction even when It may seem to be a valid reason. I know for me in the beginning of my journey anything that I was committed to doing there was no ending to my obsession of the results, I would constantly re-read and change something each time. There were times when I ended up changing my entire format because I was so worried about it not being good enough, the only thing I have gained from doing this was I lost a lot of time and wasted a lot of energy doubting what God has already confirmed. I have missed deadlines and had to complete other task in a rush because I spent so much time criticizing and procrastinating. I remember whenever I was taking a test I have learned that whenever I have second guessed myself and pondered on an answer for long periods I would change my answer , and every time I did that I learned my first choice was the correct answer and vice versa whenever I made a choice and stuck with it without question and pondering it was correct. Where I am today is after I have completed my final edits and corrections, I have mastered the ability to not be obsessive about the end results, I began to choose to be confident in my gifts and believe that my work is good enough just as it is. I also had to accept that everything will not be for everyone some people will connect and others just won’t, but I cannot sabotage my own success by focusing on wanting to please everyone. Who it is meant for will receive and others will receive it when they are in a place to receive what I have to offer?
The only thing that matters in everything that we do is that we give it our all and if we are pleased with how it all turned out there is no need to feel like a failure. It is not about the numbers it is about the quality you can have large numbers with minimum impact or have small numbers with massive impact. The one thing to always remember is your purpose is not measured by how you look it is about how many lives you impact and make a difference in that will make all the difference in yours. Relax being in service to others is not about how good we look it is about the love and transformation that an individual feel after being in your presence. If we become a little less self-obsessed and self-centered, we can focus more on what our gifts are meant to do for others rather than aiming for praises by becoming less critical of ourselves and our work. If I can bless one person a day, I have done my job, always remember that our purpose was given to us by god not for self-glory but to share with those who need what we have to offer. I encourage everyone to repeat this to yourselves daily “I am confident that I am enough, I have given my best and my best with be a blessing to others.”