New Heights
/The idea of change is usually very scary, and uncomfortable but what we must understand is that change is necessary, change is constant, and with change growth must follow. Doing the same things and expecting a different result will drive a person insane. In order to produce new, we must be willing to do something new everything that is worth having is worth working for. The road to transformation does happen instantly but when we commit to doing the work the results are magical and a blessing just to see how far you have come. The struggle that most of us are faced with is knowing when and how to let go of things that are not serving us, we cannot expect change to occur by limiting ourselves to familiar places, people, and conversations. All that we have always known and done have worked for us up until a certain point and just like the seasons change so must we if we hope to excel to the next level in our life. The Truth is not many people are open to change, some people are open to the idea of change but are not open to doing the work to access the things they hope and dream about. What we must identify is what is important to us and what inspires us, because to be inspired is to be in spirit and in spirit we are limitless.
“Settling Robs Us Of True Success And Happiness ;
Choosing To Thrive Rewards Us With True Success And Fulfillment.
-Shanett McNeill”
“Show me your company and I will tell you who you are” this was a phrase I was taught repeatedly growing up, which at first, I did not quite understand. To be completely honest it was one of those statements that I would get offended and defensive about. I loved my friends dearly and even though we may have had a lot in common we also had a lot of differences. I believed that the phrase suggested that I was the same as who ever my choice of friends was and that I would make the same mistakes that they did. The older I got I got clear that it did not quite mean that we were alike in all aspects but what it meant was that if your choice of friends were procrastinators , fearful, always making excuses ,having no drive or vision , that will be the type of attitude or energy you will have based on who and where you are spending most of your time. Once I got clear on that I knew that in order to obtain true success in my life there were a lot of changes that I needed to make, some were easy, and some were very hard. I had to remind myself that the decision may be difficult in this moment but making them is going to be much more rewarding and beneficial to me in the long run. Once I step into the lane of wanting to be my own boss, I began to hang around more like-minded individuals or people that were already their own boss. I wanted to work on my way of thinking and personal development so I began to read books that were speaking about it, I listened to things that would add to my personal development, and the things that I once enjoyed watching also changed. I wanted to grow as a woman of God, so I began spending more time with people that are on the same mission and putting myself in the house of the lord consistently. These changes were hard, but they were necessary and played a huge part in where I am today and who I am working on becoming.
Today I want to ask everyone reading to begin to seek clarity for your life identifying what are some of your weaknesses and identifying what are some the changes you need to make in order to begin the process of transformation in your life. The ultimate power we all have access to is choice and we must always make sure that we make the best decision for ourselves, not just temporary satisfaction but decisions that will forever be a blessing and create great impact in our lives. Ask yourself what does it cost you to remain the same ? and what does it Benefit you to be open to change and committed to doing the work ? can you afford the cost or are you ready to receive all that you deserve. The difference between successful people and people that are not successful is that successful people find value in thriving by any means necessary and unsuccessful people find comfort in doing the bear minimum to survive. What side of the gate are you interested in standing on? the choice is yours; your life is a gift that should always be celebrated and lived with purpose. No matter where you have been, what you have been through redirecting your mind and making the necessary changes in your life can and will take you to new heights.