/“In life you get two educations the one that was given to you and the one that you give yourself I would recommend the latter of the two”. I heard this quote over the weekend, and I had to share it because it is a 100% true. We were all taught a certain way of life based on religion, culture, race, and education. from the day we were born we are taught what is wrong from right we are given instructions on life before we can have our own understanding to choose for ourselves. The beliefs of our parent’s became ours by default, when we grow older It is our responsibility to do our own research on life. The reality is most people refrain from doing the work and being open to new possibilities instead they choose to place blame of their upbringing. Placing blame keeps us stuck we start to feel different when we begin to think different and change the lenses that to see the bigger picture. What we were taught as a child sometimes even our belief in a specific religion can change that does not mean that the lessons, we learned was wrong. It just means that as adults it is our responsibility to make decisions that are best for us whether they are in line with what you have known your entire life or not. In life we must learn to not settle for what we are told and strive to look beyond that and broaden our own knowledge of the world and life using wisdom to apply them and thrive.
The title of the person teaching does not mean they know any more than you do neither does it mean that they are hundred percent correct. How will you ever find out what is fitting for you if you never seek to gain your own knowledge and understanding through taking risk that leads us to life changing experiences. I will give a small example of living what we were taught and how it affects us. I went away for a business conference on a weekend sometime last year, my husband had an engagement he needed to attend which led to us planning for the baby to be with her grandmother for the evening. Later on, in the evening at approximately ten thirty going on eleven O’ clock that night I called and discovered that she was still with her grandmother. I recall being getting a was a bit out of shape with that, not because she was not safe or that she was not in good hands it was all based on a belief of what I had been taught growing up with a Jamaican culture background. I was a bit frustrated that he could not understand my point of view on this. I had a conversation with a friend of mines and she said she shared with me a quote from one of the speakers at the conference that stated “somethings you learn or hold on to you have to let go to be where you want to be or who you want to be.”
“Give All That You Got You To Receive All That You Deserve.”
When we are on a journey to empower self there will be plenty of moments In life that being able to check ourselves is necessary. My self-checks helped me to recognize that a lot of things that I used to get so wound up about was only based on a belief system that I adapted It does not mean they were wrong or right .What it means is that I have to learn to do and come up with solutions in my life based on what works best for me in that moment . Learning to be in control of our emotions and the way we react to certain situations becomes vital to our well-being. Today I want to encourage each and every one of you reading to stop limiting yourself to belief systems that does not promote growth, begin to go beyond our own what we know. Lose grip of The safety nets in order to go higher we must drop the weight of our mind and the past. Be open to a lifetime of lessons, it is important that we take time to educate our self and apply them having knowledge and wisdom is key, always remain humble and open to letting go of the things that does not empower us. “in order to elevate to the next level in your life you will have to let go of all limiting belief systems.