/“Be selective in your battles, sometimes peace is better than being right” Dre Bell , there will be moments in our lives when we must learn the importance and benefits of being selective of the battles we choose to fight. It is important that we are selective with our time , the places we go to, and the people we give our time to. Everyone experiences changes some are a wins and some are lessons no matter what season we are in growth is a must and it is important that we are not learning the same lessons twice. “You fool me once shame on you ; you fool me twice shame on me.” This was a phrase that I learned and heard very often in my younger years. Today I can confidently say that I understood what it meant , it is not that you have to change who you are at the core because of what you have been through or experienced , you change your perspective and your approach. When engaging in fitness we talk about muscle memory and how it quick the muscles recognize a familiar movement, that is how we should all take a mental note of every experience we go through. Life does not happen to us life happens for us even in the moments when the current results is not what you anticipated there is still endless possibilities available to you. Are you present , are you taking mental notes as you grow?
The first reason why being present through every experience in our lives is important and very beneficial is to pay attention to the details. When we pay attention to the details and are in tune with every step we take in the end it all makes sense of why some of the experiences we had to go through whether good or bad was necessary. Taking a mental note of every lesson we have learned through every experience helps us to be better equipped as it pertains to us making decisions and being selective. We all have the gift of intuition something I believe God has gifted us all with but sometimes all the noise in our life prevents us from being in tune and hearing clearly.
We must learn to take the good with the bad and focus only on creating solutions. My secret to living Unapologetically is to being open to learning,taking risks, and being committed to personal development. The greatest project we will ever work on is ourselves. Invest in your health, invest in your mental ,physical , and spiritual well-being. As we continue on our journey through life care to be bold and free to be who you were created to be. Never compromise your peace on your pursuit to happiness and true success. Understand this one fact you will go down some rocky roads; that is apart of the process grow from them but never change the core of who you are.