Your Life Is A Gift To Be A Gift To Others
/“Connection does not care abut the laws of the land; your soul will be pulled to the place it belongs.’ When I read this quote It was a reminder and confirmation of God’s divine timing. How many times have you felt a connection with someone and dismissed it based on a physical appearance or social status? The truth is no matter how hard we try to live up to the standards and way of life that we have been taught there is something on the inside that yearns for more. We can fight it; we can avoid and resist it but only for a short time. I am one that believe we were born with the tools and a mystical level of consciousness that we lose as we grow older and adapt to learned behaviors. These habits have an effect on the way we think the way we communicate and most importantly the way we connect with others. The question I asked myself was how important is connecting with people on a deeper level to me? what that did for me was; it held me accountable to be mindful of how I was connecting with others and being more open to learning something new about myself through connecting with others on higher level. The most important and very difficult part of making those necessary connections is being vulnerable and comfortable with being our true self without shame or fear.
The sad truth is that many of us go through life carrying a lot of burdens and past hurt with us and we began to cast them on others. We are afraid to be our authentic self because some of the first thoughts we have are centered around what will people think of you, will they like you, will they judge etc. In the midst of going through all the negative thoughts we now have given ourselves justified reasons to put on an act to protect our truth. The reality is there are people dying to get to know the real you, there are people that their healing is depended on your story. Everyone that we are blessed to experience there is purpose for it, even the connections that are only for a season they too have great purpose. Identifying who we are and setting ourselves free from trauma and fear is important not only for us to thrive but for us to be in service to others. In every relationship there must be an even exchange there is a give and take you add value to them and In return they add value to you, but that can only be possible when we are brave enough to be transparent and live in our truth. Energy does not lie we can make up the greatest stories and put on a world class act, but the truth will be told, and the truth is what will set us free. These past two years and especially these last three months I have been intentional about being free and vulnerable and in return I have build some amazing connections with people in some of the most random places. This was possible only because I allowed myself to be open and set my intentions on being present and available no matter where I am.
We are all here for a short time but while we are here it is our responsibility to spread love, be a light, and make a difference in the world and everyone you connect with. Long after we are gone it is our spirit that will live on forever our presence will always be felt because of the work we did while we were living. One thing I want you guys to take from today’s blog is to learn to be selfish with your peace, your time, and your happiness, so that you can grow in your purpose selflessly. Our life has already been written and the experiences we have been through were all apart of the amazing being God created us to be. God did not bring us through them for us to remain a victim or defeated, we are victorious. It is time to be brave, it is time to be free, it is time to walk into your destiny living an abundant life is our birth right. It is time to stop thinking small, stop asking scared, and get ready for an overflow in your life, the first step is to choose to trust and obey God. I am on a mission to please my father up above by spreading love and being an example of what is possible no matter what my past looked like or the mistakes that I have made. Who are you committed to being and what is your mission while you are living?
“Do Not Waste Time Regretting Your Past,
Invest Time Into
Changing The Narrative.
-Shanett Mcneill ”