Breaking Safety Addiction
/“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work “–Thomas Edison, how many times have you counted yourself out because you have had one too many unsuccessful attempts on your journey? One of the things we must learn to do when we are feeling defeated and confused is to be present to know when it is time to take a moment to silence the mind and listen to your heart. It is very possible to hear one thing in your mind but if you look deep within to what you believe in your heart, they are sometimes very opposite. The mind is a target for the enemy, that is why it is important to remember that God knows our heart. Fear and doubt grow in the mind freedom and boldness grows in the heart. Many of us fail in the mind before the actually attempt to get started happens, that is why it is important for us to use our words to break free and always keeping God’s promises at the forefront of our minds. A lot of us become impatient and weary when things are not happening immediately or as fast as we would like and that is when doubt and fear takes over. Instead of holding on and pushing through we begin looking for alternatives more like an escape route. There is freedom in having holy confidence understanding that we are nothing without God, but we can do all things through Christ.
I remember having a moment after becoming a mother and seeking new employment which seemed like a never-ending process. My mind began to tell me how unworthy I was telling myself that I was a failure, this all I can become, and it was even harder when everything around me and all that I was experiencing seemed to match those thoughts. After six months I took a seat and I took a moment to step outside of my mind to connect with my heart to analyze what I believed and to be reminded of who God says I am. The first step after reflecting on self and what I believed was to change my perspective, the second was to know that I was still worthy of God’s love no matter how many times I have fallen short. Asking for forgiveness and setting my intention each day on being a better me. I did not overload myself with big grand plans I kept my plan simple I started with self. Daily I worked on being mindful of my attitude, my thoughts, and who I was being, and lastly, I had to learn to forgive myself and not be hard on me. one of the most important lessons I learned is that we cannot ask and doubt we must ask and believe that we will receive. We must never allow our own guilt or anyone else’s perception of who we were and what they knew about us to distract us. Ask boldly believing that Your Prayer request will be met when we ask him with confidence. It is our duty to free ourselves from the addiction of feeling safe and secured In what we can see and control ,take the risk to live an abundant life expecting that our faith with be tested but remember that the source of our strength is stronger than the challenges.
In closing my goal and vision for everyone reading is that you reclaim your time by not being afraid of starting over, it is never too late and as long as you still have life what you have is another opportunity. Each new day is a gift that we must be open to celebrating by allowing God to work and not being so hung up on what we did not achieve yesterday. Being compassionate with self-knowing that you cannot change yourself there is a time when we must surrender and allow God to take over. Being honest to come to God and say I know I am not where I want to be, but I am ready to be set free and come into agreeance with God. Honesty is the best policy and when we are honest, open, and patient we are on our way to being set free. The same way how we got to the hospital or doctors office and trusting them to heal us we must know that the word of God is our medicine and provides us with healing. This is the time to lose your addiction to comfort get out of the same predictable boring routine way of living, and thinking. There is so much more to experience make life your playground and be open to trying new and challenging things always. The idea of keeping the spark in your relationships It is important to keep the spark in your life, commit to living your best life filled with joy and hope being open to all experiences, lessons, and overcoming obstacles.
“Playing It Safe Limits Our Ability To Thrive ,
In Taking Risks There Are No Limits.”