An Ounce Of Faith
/“Faith Sees The Invisible
Believes In The unbelievable
And receives The Impossible. ”
March 4, 2017 was the day I gave birth to life, but little did I know that was also the day I gave birth to new life for myself and that It was the beginning of something extraordinary. Motherhood for me was more than just learning to care for and love another human being it was about growing to become a woman that can be a bold example of being free, completely whole, and in love with life. Why because I often thought about my childhood and how hard my mother had to work which meant sacrificing time together sometimes. I knew that was not something I desired for myself or my child I knew that there was no better time than right now to choose me, choosing to live by any means necessary. I knew that my life was slowly evolving but I also knew that I was going to make working on myself internally a priority. The struggle of searching for a job with continuous rejection letters began to influence my confidence and I began to allow it to mean that I was not worthy. I even began to look at my life that was a blessing as a failure I was afraid that all I would be was a stay home mother and house wife, which there is nothing wrong with that I just knew I wanted more.
Faith; my faith was something that I slowly was beginning to question because I just could not see the lesson in becoming a mother and not being able to help provide for my family. It was not until the pattern continued for the first seven months that I had to sit myself down and to really see what the message or the blessing was I ignoring. I was ignoring it through complaining and frustration sometimes in life until you learn the lesson you will never elevate to the next level. For the first time I began to think about my life and the things I often dreamed about one thing that stood out was the big fact that I was living one of my dreams that I had been writing in my affirmation journal for two years prior. I would write I am so happy and grateful now that I am a present full-time mother, I have been writing and speaking this vision into existence but when I received it, I was blindsided by my worry and frustration. In that moment was when all the adversity I was facing finally made perfect sense and I got present that I was living one of my dreams and this is the time to create around that. My faith was the first level I focused on believing that God has a great plan for me and that with faith and action they will manifest.
I shared this today to say that life is a journey that has a lot of different stages, lessons, and things we must face in order to rise above our circumstances. Nothing in life absolutely nothing in life is by accident and it is not meant to break us, but without faith and focus we can easily be blinded by our frustration which will only keep us farther away from what we truly want and deserve. First have faith in God’s love for us and his divine timing and secondly have faith in yourself that you have the ability to do it all. Last night my heart was filled with fulfillment and gratitude because if someone would have asked me two years ago could I imagine myself putting together an event and speaking for people I am not sure I saw that. The beauty of having faith, constantly working on yourself and committing to your purpose can make a huge difference in just a short year. The secret is to apply yourself daily, choose you daily, and love who you are and your entire journey the past, and the present. Evolve around the everyday struggles and adversities we face they are the stepping stones to the next level embrace them stumble if you must but never settle and never give up. In the darkest times is when our true self is at its best, believe in your divine being that you have what it takes to excel through every circumstance.