Quality Lifestyle
/“Be Careful With What You Are Inviting,
Creating , & Entertaining In Your Life ”
Quality is a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something, Appearance is the way that someone or something looks or an act of performing or participating in a public event. There is a fine significance between these two words, these are two words that can describe most people and their character. In life you have two types of people the person that allows appearance and the way people view them to be the control factor of who they are and how they live their life. On the other hand, you have the people that lives their life by committing to doing what makes the most sense and great purpose by their own standards. I believe that we are all connected by one eternal source what separates most is our way of thinking and being. The irony about life is that it is not that anyone is better than the other everyone is simply just performing at their best level of consciousness. Meaning that what works for me at this moment may not work another, for everything and everyone has a season for change and growth.
The practice of living a life of quality over appearance provides us with the gift of peace and great fulfilment. When we are focused on the quality of the life we are creating we have no time and cannot afford to be distracted, by other people’s opinions and perception of who they think we should be. living a life that is pleasing to others over time our joy and natural ability to live begins to fade and when alone we can hardly recognize ourselves. No one wins when we are always in a state of pretense we will sell our peace of mind and go against everything we believe in to maintain this appearance. While we are confused about who we are being thinking we are impressing others, sometimes those same people are patiently waiting for us to reveal our true selves. When you believe you are putting on a show for the world when the curtains close no one believes the story but they will remember a great act.
Invest time in being authentically you, find less things to be offended about, and commit to doing things and engaging with people that add value to your life. I encourage everyone reading today that before you do anything always ask God to order your steps and be sure to identify if you are operating from your true self and not doing what makes sense to others. Then and only then will you be able to truly live your best life freely and unapologetically, it’s not about how long you live, it is the quality of how you live your life in the short time we have here on earth that matters. Lastly remember that if you are focused on appearance over quality you are not enjoying life, you are always saving face, always playing it safe, and never taking chances or stepping out with faith and doing something different. So, I ask in closing will you live for the acceptance of society or live to create peace and happiness in your life? choose you in everything you do.