Creation Of Love
/Life has a funny way of allowing us to create our own reality through our thoughts and all along there were the signs that were always present but hidden because of our clouded thoughts. “One who lives in accordance with nature does not go against the way of things. he moves in harmony with the present moment, always knowing the truth of just what to do.” That is a quote from my morning read, one thing was very clear after reading that is for every problem we create in our minds the answer is already in us. The secret to obtaining peace is through nature and love. Negative thoughts are created when we are in a space of lacking, lack of self-love, self-respect, and forgiveness. Once we can start giving ourselves more of those things then we will have more of it to give, and the more we can erase the thoughts that creates a problem in our reality.
I remember when I was a kid living in Jamaica being outdoor, going to the river banks and the ocean were just a way of life and a source of peace and happiness. On a hot summer day, our resolution was to go outside under a big shaded tree in the comforts of our yard to enjoy the natural breeze. Even when we express being bored our needing something to do. My aunt or grandmother would always say go outside or go sit under the tree and read a book. Now as an adult I realize that it was not because we were a small island that those were our answers, I realize that we were people that were connected to our roots. The answer to everything was always to be in the presence of God’s finest creations, even when being sick there was always a natural remedy that came from the earth no medicine no doctor and it worked. We were free, alive, and happy, today in 2018 the answer to our self-created problems is either connected to technology, seeing a doctor, retail therapy, sometimes acting out in violence we have eliminated the source. We have all forgotten that God is the answer not just by the attendance of a physical church building but by having that personal connection and alone time with God.
“look deep into nature and you will understand everything better,”
This past weekend a good friend of mine of 10 years connected and spent some much-needed time catching up, we went for a walk down one of my favorite trails. Of course, we could have done something a little more modern-day fashion which would require us to spend money, but instead we invested time of peace and being one with the sounds of nature and great conversations for free. I shared this to express how valuable peace is and at the same time it is priceless but worth more than money can buy. The more time we spend turning down the noise and the thoughts in our heads the more room we must create new perspectives and way of being in our life. Reconnecting with God and spending time in the presence of his creations is key, the more we eliminate some of this new era of being concepts we have become so attached to and get back to focusing on what matters. Investing time in self -love, making sure we are enjoying moments of being present with our loved ones, and spending quality time with God. These things will fill us up internally and filling the gaps that allows negativity and doubt to creep in from time to time. I want you all to write this statement where you can see it whether first thing in the morning or all day as reminder.” I live in accordance with nature and therefore never go against the way of things.” You can not put a price on peace and happiness it is something you choose, embrace and share with the world.