The Butterfly Effect
/“Life Is Like a Butterfly You Have to Go Through Changes Before You Become Something Beautiful ”
“Anticipation it’s better to be afraid, excited and thinking the best, then to be scared, worried and expecting the worst Anxiety “. This quote describes exactly how I was feeling days leading up to the photo shoot to finalize my website anticipation was at an all-time high. I was excited but afraid and thinking the best all the same time I was not afraid because I did not believe in my vision. I was afraid of how people would receive my vision, I feel I have carried it for the last seven months within my heart and now I was finally about to give birth to it and introduce it to the world. Seeing your vision and watching it slowly manifest is a major step. The moment leading up to the completion or as I like to call it the beginning of something amazing, that feeling is a feeling I have only felt once and that was the day I gave birth to my princess. I have been praying and planting the seeds and nourishing my vision with so much love and confidence I am more excited to see others fall in love with it and be a part of it.
There was a lot of emotional struggles and moments of doubt that was present, there were moments I felt overwhelmed and exhausted from the late nights and early mornings. I knew I had to keep pushing and dig a little deeper to find that extra energy to keep working because I believe it will all be worth it soon enough. The motto that I have been repeating in my head when I am feeling this way is “if I work hard now I will have plenty of time to relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor and create more”. There is no sense in giving up, whenever you feel like giving up try taking a trip down memory lane to see just how far you have come and look ahead to see just how far you have made it. Another technique that I use outside of praying and having faith which is a must is, I listen to audios or interviews from other successful individuals to remain grounded and understanding that they too struggled and still struggles in different areas of their life even as successful as they are now. Adversity is something we should expect, embrace and strive to overcome them this is a part of the cycle of life and success.
I challenge you all to repeat this out loud to yourself “I am alive and flowing the universe is rewarding me, as I am welcoming all that it has to offer. My heart my mind and my soul are healing, I am growing daily, loving my progress and who I am becoming. I wake up with purpose on purpose each day that I am blessed with life I strive to create new. I am most excited about right now because I have seen the life I desire and I must continue to pursue and never give up. Starting today I encourage everyone to start the process of conception to create, and nurture that burning desire and purpose to life. I dare you to invite the world to join you and be open to rejection by most and grateful for the love and support of few that really matter and will be there any way. I welcome you all to join my unapologetic lifestyle and be unapologetic about your life. Live like the air you breathe depends on it dream without limits and act without fear, and the spirit of worry you are the author of this story go ahead and begin writing the chapters.