Giving Up Control
/“Loss of control is always the source of fear, and it is also however always the source of change”. At one point or another in everyone’s life It is safe to say that we all have made plans and acted against what we feel deep inside. It is the after outcome that leaves us saying “if I would have followed my instincts I would have never gotten into this mess”. Even after experiencing it once we unconsciously continue to make choices against our better judgement. We even begin to ask ourselves questions like “why I always do this” or telling ourselves “if you just follow your first gut feeling you never go wrong”. During being frustrated one thing is always accurate that unconsciously we are in agreeance that it is best to listen to our inner guiding spirit but in our conscious state of wanting to be in control we go against ourselves. This does not make us bad people we are just people taught to be in control of life even though we cannot predict what will happen next or undo anything that we have done.
What if we focused on not being in control of anything and begin focusing on going with the flow of life, allowing the higher power to guide us and begin to trust our guiding spirit. I wrote this message down two days ago from an audio I was listening to by Dr. Wayne Dyer. The message was “flexibility is the companion of life and being hard is the companion of death “. When I heard that message I had a moment of instant self-check because, I will consider myself to be a perfectionist at times especially with the things that are extremely important to me. I am also that way with time I like to be on time and in order, this can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. It is a bad thing because it gives us a sense of overseeing time and how things are supposed to go forgetting that things can and will happen to prevent or delay this process.This Is Usually when i struggle with accepting it and i get a little bent out of shape by choice because I know that no matter how much I plan God will always have his way. The times that I do not have a plan all I have is a desire, clear intentions and committed my plans to God and allow him to guide me is when I am not in control and things just flowed naturally. I am trusting the fact that I have what it takes and I believe in the plans of the universe for me.
“Your Faith Can Move Mountains & Your doubt Can Create Them”
I choose to enjoy living the great mystery, is the first verse in my new book and I am sharing it with you all to encourage you to practice flexibility. We cannot claim to be living if we are unable to flow, instead of us planting our feet in sinking sands and there is no way out. We must set our intentions on flowing, making the most of every delay, every step-in progress and lastly during major changes in one’s life. The less we fight the process of what needs to happen the closer we get to becoming the person we need to become trust your guiding spirit, have endless faith. See the beauty in everything and everyone and be grateful for it all if we spend time working on our problems internally the stronger our connection with the universe becomes, the deeper the connection the more present and aware we become. When we have grasped that concept trusting and flowing becomes a way of life. The next time you feel like you are losing control I want you to embrace it communicate with your soul and say” I choose to enjoy living the great mystery”. I do not need to know it all and I trust my guiding spirit and not my belief system that requires me to be in control. When I am in control I sink in frustrations when I am in alignment I flow in manifestation.