Mastering Time
/“Don’t Watch The Clock ; Do What It Does. Keep Going ”
“lose an hour in the morning and you will be all day hunting for it”, I am a firm believer that you cannot wish for more time but with great sacrifice you can certainly make the most of the twenty-four hours we have in a day. Not only does waking up earlier grants you more time, it grants you more peace of mind and clarity on your goals and intentions for the day. I believe that everyone as a parent, an entrepreneur, and someone in the work filed needs and will benefit from having time to yourself in the morning before getting started on your day. It opens the door for more peaceful interactions through out our day. We are better aligned with our desires when we make time to center our thoughts and set our intentions on the things we want to happen. A lot of people are against rising early because they feel they need all the rest they can get or in some cases they are not really looking forward to rising early depending on what day of the week it is. The idea of the preference in a day is what alters most people’s perspective on why they need to wake up early.
I was once a big advocate for sleeping in and not wanting to wake up earlier than fifteen minutes before I had to leave out the door because I worked close. I will admit that me sleeping later, getting all the rest I could get I still woke up feeling very exhausted. As the process of getting ready begun I grew more frustrated and impatient I felt like time was racing I was unorganized and from that point on I felt like nothing good can occur . Now that I am mother, a life and health coach I work primarily from home which requires me to set my schedule around her. I have learned a valuable lesson and I grew to appreciate the blessing in making the choice to commit to rising early consistently. I am able to get time to myself to pray giving God the time he deserves and not borrowing time for worship. I have time to get clear with my mind and set my intentions, and I can create a plan of action for the day that is effective. I am able to meditate and align my thoughts to match my true desires and action for the day. I have learned that by doing these things it is easier for me to remain calm, peaceful and it helps me to be aware of my energy in every situation. Most importantly I am able to get a lot done in a day when I sacrifice an hour or two to create more time to accomplish more.
Rest is very important and so is prioritizing our time not only is it important it is also very beneficial to our progress. We will be able to get more done faster and we will be able to end our day earlier when we are not chasing time playing catch up. I am the first to admit that some days will not go as planned and there are days when I just want to lay in bed longer than normal. In that same moment whenever i feel like this I remind myself of how much harder my day will be if I delay getting started early. My vision board next to my bed is also a great reminder and motivation to rise with gratitude and great purpose for each day. All it takes is the will to want to make it, being disciplined in your routine, and developing a no matter what attitude. Meaning that no matter what happens and how you are feeling the only choice you have is to show up with no excuses, and to give a hundred percent effort without alternatives to leave anything left undone for another day. Write all your plans before bed and pray over them before you rest, let your goals be the last thing you do at night and the first thing you look at in the morning after praying. Time is the master patience is our guide and faith is our armor rise with the sun and we can shine like it too,