Choosing You
/The most important things to have in life is self-love, self- confidence, self-respect, self-motivation, be your biggest supporter and your number one cheerleader. The moment you leave those qualities up to friends, family, or a significant other to fulfil is where your down fall begins. This is a fact simply because no matter what connection you believe you have with people no one will show up for you more than you show up for yourself. Having high expectations will only lead to major disappointments and hurt because we placed our ability to thrive up to who we expect to be there and where we are in life. We are not created to just survive and exists the ability to thrive all comes down to the choice to choose you and commit to a lifestyle that is beneficial to your true purpose in life. The journey is long, and the road gets lonely and in the dark is where we find strength, find the strength to focus on the love for your vision of life. By being self-motivated you do not need the voice or company of any one to move forward, being confident is key to promote yourself.
The relationships we have in our lives are personal our dreams are our purpose stop mixing the two, I have learned the farther apart you keep the two the less complicated relationships are. It is just as the saying goes never mix business with pleasure, I say never mix purpose and pleasure. We must focus on who needs what we have to offer and how important is it for us to achieve our grandest vision for our life. Like the Bishop T.D. Jakes says you have three types of people in your life, but the confidant is who you should stay closest to, everyone else is temporary and only there for their own personal benefit. Once that need is met or if you are unable to fulfil that you no longer are an important factor in their life, this is our responsibility to identify who those people are and act according to their role. The universe is always working for us we are the ones that choose to ignore the signs and silence our intuition because we are caught up in what we want people to be instead of accepting the things that they are not.
“Loving Ourselves Works Miracles In Our Lives.”
The fact of life always comes down to who we are to ourselves and what we allow outside forces to dictate, when we are the ones responsible for the life we create, the things, and people we attract. Everything is all about choice believe it or not everything that we face in life all began with a choice we made that created a ripple effect of results good or bad. Choosing to do what we feel over doing what we think looks good, or benefits others is key because there is no sense in sacrificing your own peace and happiness for others. Always be sure to operate from true self a space where we are not lacking or needing anything or anyone, pay attention take notes and move in silence. What we already know does not need confrontation or confirmation you simply continue to love and allow the law of attraction to work in your favor when you focus on all good possibilities and not your present short comings. I encourage everyone reading today to take a mental note of the people you place expectations how do they show up for themselves, it is impossible to expect to receive anything from anyone that is incapable of giving to themselves. No one can give what they do not have it is not personal it is just a part of life’s journey.