Life Detox
/The people, and experiences we have in life is a reflection of ourselves we attract who we are. The law of attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on, if you were to take a second to analyze your life in this present moment do you like everything you see? This may be a hard pillow for most to swallow but believe it or not everything you have is everything you have attracted by the thoughts you are having, things you are focused on, and who you are being. The irony is most people will always say things such as I always get the same kind of friends, men or women, but really, we chose them, it is the same as saying you have a type meaning that you are attracted to a specific type. your type can be based off physical appearance, status, shape, height, you name the list goes on. Until we are able and willing to take responsibility for how we have created our reality with our thoughts, we will never be able to grow or change the things we are not happy with.
How do I change the things that I attract? a common question for most, there are many ways but the first and most important one I believe is changing your perspective on life. The way perceive things is what becomes our reality, secondly not focusing on all the things you do not want for your life and focus on all that you desire. Why? simple what you think about is what directs your energy, so if you are having negative thoughts, you will develop negative emotions, and in a negative emotional state we have no desire to create. Creativity can only flow when we are not in negative state of mind, the goal is to always make sure your intentions are pure, and your spirit is calm. Always be mindful that what we put out is what we receive and what we allow is what will continue, so if we are surrounded by people that are toxic, they reflect our thoughts of ourselves and how we treat ourselves.
“Eliminate What Does Not Help You Evolve.”
We cannot expect from others what we do not give to ourselves, I am a firm believer that people will only do what you allow and how you treat yourself. The amount of love, respect, and happiness you want in your life will only be present the moment you begin to offer these gifts to yourself. If that means separating yourself from toxic relationships whether it is family, friends, or significant other if there is no room to thrive you must remove yourself. Removing yourself without grudge or malice, just making a choice to be in control of how your life will flow. Investing more time into fueling your mind, body, and spirit equally, not being afraid of becoming one with yourself. In order to live and grow you must be present and mindful of who you are being at all times. and allowing the higher power to guide you. The only way to hear is to be in silence, have an open mind to everything but be attached to nothing, cleansing your soul daily is key. Focus on peace, love, and healing of the mind and you will attract all that is peaceful, loving and refreshing to you.