Layers & Levels
/Life Is full of mysteries, lessons, heartache and pain, the irony is everything we experience is necessary as trying as they may seem they all have a greater purpose than we understand. A lot of the times we can see the events leading up to a break down, and sometimes they come completely out of left field especially when we are so busy not being present. God is always watching over us and constantly showing us signs warning us of when to move and when to just be still. The problem is we get so caught up in our ego’s we forget that our life is not our own, we can either choose to walk in faith or continue to do things our own way. The choices we make can either make life difficult or promising, the beauty is no matter what we choose first our experiences are all apart of God’s Plans which comes with great lessons. Centering our thoughts and shifting our focus to be in alignment is how we can identify what the lesson is and open to how it will be a blessing eventually.
“You find the lesson you receive the blessing”, what I mean by this is no matter what happens our life does not stop because of one set back. Our life is taking a turn for the best but in order to get there along the way we must cross some dark roads that are necessary to strengthen an area that we maybe struggling with. Weather it is to test our faith, our patience, and our mind, we just must keep pressing forward to see just how important that disappointment was. Everything we come up against we already have what it takes to overcome them, God loves us that much, that he would never give us more than we can handle. We must learn to trust the process and remain present in each moment because at any moment your life can change for the better, the waiting process is just the preparation process for when that time comes. Nobody is perfect, and this process will never be easy it is your choice to be brave enough to endure the test to walk into your greatness or settle and take the easier route.
““You Are Not Doing Life By Yourself””
We all have choices in life but one thing is true we were all created with a purpose that is bigger than us, some people never find it, while you have some that are willing to discover who they truly are and what do they have to offer. The reality is we all have layers that we have to go through and break down before we get to that place in life we dream of. I strongly encourage everyone to really take a moment before this year ends to analyze their life right now and how do you feel. If today or this year was your last day on earth would you be satisfied, do you believe you have lived your life the way you were created to? Have you been doing all the things that makes you happy, would you feel a sense of fulfillment, what legacy will you have left behind? I want you to write these answers down and good or bad commit to living for rest of your life in purpose there is another chapter in our life waiting for us to begin. Always remember that just because you may not understand all that you had to go through does not mean you were not worthy, but trust and believe that it was that very thing that will take you to new heights. Stay in faith and sooner than later you will see the pieces come together to make perfect sense.