understanding love
/Love is a beautiful thing when two people are able to connect on higher level beyond just physical connection it is easy to love , the real challenge is meeting each other where you are. Most times people already have this vision and idea of their dream guy/woman and the ideal relationship , and life they want to live. This is only a bad thing when we are able to compromise , not getting so cought up in our ideal reality that we try to change the person to fit into the picture we created. Love is not a frame that you just take a picture and find the right picture our person to fit in between the margins. When we make the decision to be in a relationship with someone we must always be mindful of a few things , the first thing to be mindful of is that you are both two separate individuals with your own unique way of being. It is important to always maintain your own individuality and still be able to connect in love and harmony, no one should ever feel like they have to lose their self to fit in to your ideal image.
The second thing to be mindful of no one is perfect and no relationship is perfect what we must do from the beginning is identifying what are some of the things we absolutely are not willing to compromise , and what are some of the things we all willing to adjust to. The best way to identify this from the beginning is looking beyond the physical appearance , their title and focus on each others core belief’s and desires . By doing so we are able to identify how well we can co-exisist and grow together as a two individuals on our own journey creating a path to true success and happiness together. It is very important to be selfless and open to each others differences , with different personalities it is unlikely that we will agree on every thing . What we can agree on is being respectful and understanding to each other’s points of view without disregarding each others feelings .
“A Great Relationship Is About Two Things, First, Find Out The Similarities , Second, respect The Differences. ”
To conclude the last thing we must be mindful of is the foundation of the relationship a lot of times how we start something is usually what sets the tone for how it flows. What are your core beliefs or fundamentals that will be enough to withstand the tests that you will face , when I love you is just not enough , when physical intimacy is not enough. If you are seeking a short term enjoyment there is no need to go beyond the physical assets, but always remember never go into any relationship blindly or for the wrong reasons and intention. Having the relationship that looks good on the outside and tainted behind close doors will only work for a short period ending in some cases on a bad note that can be avoided. Being true to yourself first and true to what each person desire with respect ,love , and understanding. I encourage everyone reading today before you start your journey of love be clear and have a level of love and respect for yourself that you will not compromise for the companion of another, secondly be prepared to compromise some things while creating a new life with your partner .