Communication Skills
/“No Relationship Can Prosper Without Proper Communication . And You Can’t Be The Only One Communicating.”
The key to any good relationship is communication, without the skill to freely express how you are feeling to each other that is a recipe for a failure in any relationship. Most people mistake communication for a debate or a disagreement for one or two reason, sometimes they may not be in a space to receive what’s being said or acting in ego and feeling entitled to their reaction. There is an art to having open and effective communication by simply being mindful, it is not what you say it’s how you say it and in some cases it’s about timing. We must all be very mindful and aware of our intention in the heat of the moment, by being able to identify if you are coming from a place of love and authenticity or are you operating from a space of anger and ego to retaliate and cause hurt. This is extremely important to be mindful of great relationships have failed due to people attempting to communicate through anger and their ego, things are said that are not meant from the heart but it cuts the other person deep. Depending how hurtful the statement is some may never be able to forgive, some will forgive and move on without continuing the relationship.
Our perception is everything because most times It all about how we are feeling about someone that determines how we receive what is being said. To communicate and being in harmony and love we must always be sure to that we are open and unentitled to our reason to be upset. Operating with love and respect for each other is not only important but beneficial in the long run because, relationships are not perfect but love and respect is the glue that keeps it together. Once that is lost or compromised it becomes close to impossible to reconnect and move forward. Our language is that one thing that makes or breaks our relationships with not only people but even the relationship with ourselves and the universe. If we speak a language of negativity, hate, lacking, and unloving that is just what we will attract in our relationships with others, and relationship with our self and future endeavors.
The reality is life is not perfect, people are not perfect, and the less perfection we expect and begin to open our minds to being understanding to all circumstances we face daily is when we begin to eliminate conflicts in our life. The beauty of communication is not that it eliminates problems it simply creates room for more peaceful and loving interactions in the world and within us. learn to communicate what we need to ourselves to be better communicators, and with much practice we learn how to respectfully communicate with others. You can be your authentic self and not cause a conflict or a dispute mindfulness is, to think before we speak, analyze the situation before we jump into reactive mode. Treat others as we would have them treat us always remember the way we treat others reflects how we treat our selves. I encourage everyone to invest more time engaging in open and loving communication with each other and always operating from a place of love no matter what.