Timeless Beings
/Life is one big circle filled with a lot of lessons, blessings, irony, and surprises. when we were little kids we had life and our dreams all figured out because we lived freely into our imagination creating and believing in them. As we grew older we began to learn and take on behaviors that encourages us to think realistic with limits, slowly we lose our sense of wonder and excitement from our imagination. In my 30 days of mindfulness challenges I really stress the importance of connecting to our true selves and maintaining our youthful spirits. Every year that we celebrate entering a new age or chapter in our life what are we really celebrating? Most people associate aging with eliminating their sense of wonder, their desire to explore, the need to be playful, or unapologetic. A lot of people live in a box that fits the image of what you are supposed to look like, feel like, and act like at a specific age, the irony behind that mindset is those individuals are consistently eliminating their sense of joy and moving further away from true happiness with every passing year.
It never matters what age we are we all must be able to laugh as much as we want as loud as we want, we must be able to take care of ourselves well enough not to look our age and living in a state of openness and a lively imagination for our lives. Losing all essence of your youth simply means living in the shadows of approval, but it is not in alignment with what we truly feel inside and by doing that begins the process of getting old. The question I have for everyone is what your real definition of the celebration of life each year is, what does it really mean if every year you make the decision to begin existing and not living. Along the way we pick up habits of needing to be in control of all that we cannot change, which brings forth frustration, stress and later depression. Which with all of those being present it becomes apparent in our outer appearance, in our energy, and daily activities. When we continue to develop a poor mental health, we create only the things that are of no benefit to our anti-aging process.
“Only The Human Heart Can Live In The Present Moment Awareness. The Human Mind Cannot , Because Its Essential Nature Is To Ponder On The Past And Plan The Future. This Is Why All Wise Beings Encourage Us To Go Beyond The Mind Into The Timeless , Boundless Transcendence Of Heart - Centered Awareness.”
There are plenty of ways and plenty of reasons why we should not let aging be a reason to stop living and enjoying life and all it’s beauty. There are several things that most successful people and people we see aging gracefully have in common according to studies. The first is practicing meditation, the second is having a wide social support system, close emotional and familiar relationships, taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement daily. The fifth step is getting good sleep, taking on daily alternative activities, live life curiously, and lastly our willingness to undertake new challenges. The secret is living a life of quality and not of quantity, do not waste time chasing things, people or title, do not lose yourself trying to gain the world and approval of others. This is some of the most effective steps of the anti-aging process, remember this very fact “youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind”. What we believe is what will promote the vitality of our body and mind. Being negative and only having negative thoughts are self-defeating and kills our energy. Find your source and connect to your circle of life, your purpose and will to live we are time less our time on earth is not for ever but our spirits will never die.