Spiritual Growth
/Spiritual health is the path to inner peace regardless of the turmoil around you, the first few weeks of post pregnancy was really dedicated to resetting and growing mentally by creating a shift in my mindset. However often I still felt this void as if something was missing and, what I discovered was missing was my spiritual connection. My spiritual connection with myself which is separate from a religious belief or practice, I needed to find my inner peace and self-acceptance. I have always heard of all the things women can go through after child birth and I will say this until you have experienced this for yourself respect the process and give nothing but love and compassion to a woman post pregnancy. It is extremely important to be surrounded by genuine love and support, if that is currently present in your life truly be grateful for it this is in any life changing circumstances not just after child birth, not everyone is blessed to have this.
I was going through emotional battles not feeling beautiful, not feeling worthy, and sometimes disappointed, I was disappointed because the little kid in me still held on to these high expectations of my father. This was not a new hurt but I guess this time I just hoped it would be different for my baby girl, I prayed that he would bridge the gap from being so disconnected to connect with her like I wish he would have with me. I invested time in working on accepting my father for who he is, but I always had hope that one day things could be different and so my spirit was broken when my baby girl arrived. Some days are harder than some and some days I just cried and I believed that I would not be able to get over this feeling. The more I dwell in this the less motivated I felt, even when I pushed myself to go my body was not responding how I wanted it to, it was then I knew I had to do something different. I knew I would have to work on my spiritual growth if I expected to look and feel better on the inside ad out.
“The connection between what you and who you are being is the reflection of your spiritual growth”
The first step I took to was to work on loving myself as a whole , to believe that I was enough and accepting that my fathers actions had nothing to do with me but everything to do with himself. I had to focus on loving the process, accepting what is and continue to practice self-healing. Restoring my peace was my goal not only for myself but for my family I did not want to be perfect but I needed to be at peace and be happy. I started taking on a lot of peaceful strategies and the ones I have fell in love with are meditation and yoga. These things do not assure me that life is perfect, it helps me to connect with my inner self which is peaceful and I am able to connect with my peaceful state of being. By committing to these actions, I have grown into complete awareness and increased my level of consciousness. I encourage everyone to really get present with the idea of being healthy in your mind and in your spirit before we can truly be good at anything else. We should always no matter what we are faced with commit to working harder on ourselves than we do anything else, spend less time problem solving more time self-evolving. You are worth it and you deserve peace, love, and happiness.