Maintaining Your Individuality
/what does it mean to have a partner, when you hear that word what some of the things are you think about? a partner is having someone that is very opposite of yourself but in the grand scheme of things you both are able to balance each other out. Having a partner for me is having some one that is my best friend, someone I can always count on without a doubt, someone who knows my ins and out and vice versa. There are two key factors I believe is important to have with your partner, the first is a mental and spiritual connection. The reason being is a physical connection is easy to take on but it’s also very easy to lose well. life is very unpredictable so when you choose someone as your life long partner there needs to be that level of connection that is deeper than a physical attraction.
“Relationships Are About Two Individuals Who Maintain Their Own Lives And Create Another One Together.”
The reason being the strength of your connection with someone is strongly tested when adversities are present. It is important to develop that sense of security that hypothetically speaking, if you wake up tomorrow and the physical features of you that your partner loves should change they can they still love and value you the same. A mental and spiritual connection is key to a solid foundation. When things get rough and life isn't as sunny that together you both can stand strong, hold on and know that we are in this for the long run. Being two whole individuals vibrating and connecting on a higher level, learning and creating life together.
The second most important thing is| being able to maintain your own identity. It is a beautiful thing to unite with someone you can consider your life long partner. Be free with your love for your partner, but always remember to love and value yourself more than the title or the relationship. In life nothing is guarantee, people can change or worst-case scenario one day that person will no longer be here and vice versa. Commit to always being independent with your life, what I mean by that is being able to go on with your life even if that person is no longer in your life. Be mindful that one does not define the other, avoid becoming the man or woman who have a hard time recognizing their image in the mirror. Keep you at the fore front and be selfless in your being with that individual. Your every thought, your every move does not have to revolve around a title or your partner self-assurance is important. Once there is a balance and clear understanding between who you are and who your partner is and you both can be confident in each other’s own individuality. Love and respect each other mentally and spiritually together your relationship with your partner can flourish gracefully. love and support each other and remember to always put God first.