Ignite Your Awesomeness

“The less we worry about what people think the less complicated life becomes” when I read this statement a few things and people came to mind. Sometimes the fear of people’s opinion could sometimes stop you from even wanting to smile. We have three C’s in life they are choice, chance, and change. If we allow our creative process to be limited or blocked by what people are going to think about it, we are only robbing ourselves of experiencing freedom of life and giving people power over our life. We are all given the opportunity to create a life we love the problem is some choose to create it, some are afraid to, and most allow everyone else to keep them from creating the life they love. Everyone has the power to create a vision for themselves no one can see anyone else’s vision for them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with constructive criticism we all need them but ultimately, we must decide from the heart. Sometimes too much criticism could possibly start to create doubts and a lack of confidence in our goals. No matter what advice is given it is up to us to make the choices, take chances if you want anything in your life to change. The perfect opportunity is the one we prayed to God about and executed with faith, that is the best support and guidance anyone can have.


When you are on your journey and working to fulfill your dreams, you should keep in mind that the decision to thrive or fail is based on the actions we take and thoughts we think. The time and effort that we put in determines if we swim or sink. Apart of the reason we feel we need to hear other people’s opinions or get their approval is because deep down we have not accepted who we are and all our imperfections that makes us unique. To live a full life and be comfortable with yourself you must first accept your awesomeness.  We are all limitless beings the reality is most of us limit our selves because of past hurt and experiences and when you are constantly thinking about the past you are only recreating history and never moving forward.  We are doing ourselves no favor when we do this living with regrets means we are living a should have, could have, would have life day to day.

Don’t Fan The Flames Of Despair . Ignite The Spark Of Hope Instead.

Our true self is untainted pure and filled with amazing gifts we must be the ones to ignite that fire and keep it burning. If we rely on people’s opinions we will take less chances and our flames would never spark, we are the match that strikes not the advice or opinions from others. We must be careful who we take advice from because if they are not living what they are teaching they are merely just talkers. That is the kind of energy we do not need breathing life into our minds. Take a moment and ask yourself how good would it feel to be accepted? what can I do to Accept myself more? how Can I embrace my past, so I can experience my present? Then go on and affirm, claim, and live in your awesomeness limitless and whole.

Transformation Of The Mind Tuesday- Self Accountability

We have to condition our minds to the visions we have set for our life, to take on a no matter what obstacles i face i will not have an excuse attitude and I will take action daily. We are only hurting ourselves by asking for things and saying what we desire blindly , saying what we think others want to hear and actually committing to your true desires are very different. Show up and do the work even when no one believes in you or is watching you, be the Ceo cast your vision then put on your employee hat and get to work.

The Universe Provides Us With What We Need To Win

Use unplanned circumstances to our advantage, what do I mean when I say that?   Very often we have this grand plan for a specific date or time and like always life has a way of taking a turn and things do not go the way we planned our anticipated.  For example, picture being told there would be a snow storm, so that would mean schools are closed, most people are home from work. While we all look forward to a day off to rest or in some cases others probably rather be at work, but what if instead of viewing a day like that as a chill day or much rather be at work kind of day. What if you used this day to do the things you usually are too tired to do or never have time to get to. If we did that we would be a step ahead of tomorrow because, you figure we have a whole day where you are not expected to be at work and not having to pick up or drop off the kids. What we have been blessed with by mother nature without realizing or asking for it is twenty-four hours we could use to be productive instead of being upset about being home or being home and not doing anything. Think of a list of things you would not have been able to get done if you had to work and take this opportunity to get started on them. This is one of the many ways the Universe rewards us with what we need to win so let us embrace it with much gratitude and action.

The Universe Provides Abundantly When You Are In A State Of Gratefulness.

 You can never regret a day that may seem to be an inconvenience at first becoming the day you are most productive and effective with your goals and planning. We have more regrets when we fail to not take advantage of opportunities, and when tomorrow comes we are scrambling all over saying ‘I wish I would have did this yesterday I had so much time.” So, I am encouraging and reminding all of you including myself to take advantage of unplanned down time to get ahead of ourselves  and complete some of the things that are important but it is hard to get them normally due to more demanding commitments. We all need time to relax and just be, but those are the times we must schedule and make it a priority and not just a pop-up opportunity our mental and spiritual health deserves more than that. Today is a beautiful day to be productive in anything you do let us dive in and make it count it count for something. I promise your future self will appreciate you for it. Good things can come from unexpected places and things sometimes unplanned events are even better than planned ones.

Simple Being

Living Simple Makes Loving simple

Living under the pressure of everyone else’s ego’s including our own we can easily forget how simple life can be and how beautiful simplicity can be.  It really does not take a lot to be happy, all it takes is the choice to wake up excited and setting our intentions on finding the beauty in everything and everyone. Something as simple as a conversation with a dear friend or loved one, taking a trip down memory lane, going for a walk alone whether in the park or along the sand of the ocean, or even sharing a romantic night under the stars with your significant other. I find that sometimes we put so much emphasis on the grand gifts and experiences which are good momentarily, but I have learned is that the most memorable times of our life is often centered around the simple things. They cost nothing but mean everything especially when you are present in that moment.  Life in its self is an extravagant gift there for it is not necessary to complicate it less is more and simplicity is rare and beautiful.

There were times in my life that I used to question myself about all the things that just were not that important to me like fancy shoes, high end fashion, labels, all the things that most girls my age was into. I often thought maybe I was not Girley enough, I was not mature enough, but what I did realize was just how much the simple things in my life meant more to me and how much I cherished them.  As I got older I learned that most people relied on these things to make them happy or create an image for themselves. I also learned in conversations that those things meant nothing when in their moments of emptiness or feeling sad they could not look at or touch these things and feel a sense of peace, they would eventually have to see a solution outside if their possessions. Experiencing this really was my conclusion to that good old saying that money cannot buy happiness, it will provide us with stability and provision but we need to able to still find peace and love outside of all the things that define us, all the things we have accomplished our happiness cannot be attached to any of this. We can be grateful and proud without relying on them to be our source of happiness.


Give yourself the gift of simplicity and peace, learn to find joy in the beauty of life find the aww in everything by seeing the connection you have with everything and everyone. Instead of living in our egos of being separate and in competition focus less on all the things that sperate us and find peace by enjoying all that connects us. Let us challenge ourselves to give each other more of what matters or adding value to each other’s lives, give love, be kind, share knowledge and enjoy a spiritual connection.  The simple things are our blessings and if we are not present we can miss an opportunity to be joyful and gratitude filled.  Know that it is possible to be in great service through simplicity and love, life is not about wanting more or big grand gestures. The smallest act of love and kindness is free but valuable these are the things that will be most remembered and appreciated in the long run. So, I dear you to challenge yourself to give more by doing less and loving and sharing more starting with yourself.  To give love and share kindness to anyone else we must be able to first give these things to ourselves purely. Quality alone time and self-care is a simply and great start to create a life of purpose and love.

Encouraging Words Thursday -Be Still God Is Working

There comes a point in our lives when we must get present to the fact that our lives are not our own . There for it is not our responsibility to be in control of when and how things will change for the best ,our only responsibility is to be still, believe, and have great faith that it is already done and will be done on God’s time. In the mean time let us change our perspectives and shift our focus by leaving our problems in the great mind of God and continue to work hard on who we are becoming and what is present in our life.