Value Your Time
“Time is free but it is priceless , You can’t own it but you can use it , you can’t keep it but you can invest it , once you lost it you can’t get it back.” I shared this quote to remind you all of the importance and the amazing ironies in life about time, the truth is time is one of the most valuable things that is in our grasp but out of our control, meaning that while we are gifted with time daily we have no control of how fast or slow time moves. What we do have control of is our level of productivity with the time that we are blessed with. There are 24 hours in a day no more and no less, there is no special person in the world that has been gifted with an extra day or an extra hour in a day to accomplish their goals and enjoy their life. The quality of our life should not limited to the excuse of not having time it is a matter of making time for the things that are important. Where there is a will there is a way the struggle for many people is not being able to unapologetically make decisions that are best for themselves but may not make sense to others. For many years and generations, we have been subjected to limited opinions, and seeking validation. The truth is everyone has their own opinion, which is formed based on their quality of thinking, their past experiences, and their own level of consciousness and perception. Does this mean that their opinions are wrong? No, it means that they are unable to understand because your vision is yours to see and bring to life for them to see. The vision we have for our lives and the assignment that God has for our lives is like a dress that has been tailored to fit a specific person. It is very important that not only are we valuing our time but that we know we are at the core, one of the worse things a person could experience is missing their blessing by not being true to who God has created them to be.
In addition, it is important that we understand that God cannot bless who we pretend to be. It is normal and very common for an individual to have a vision that they are passionate about but lacking confidence in their ability to make it happen. The result of that ends in second guessing themselves, being easily swayed or influenced by multiple sources and directions, eventually they look up one day and realize they have spent their entire lives spending time doing everything that everyone expected or imposed on them. When I first got started on developing Unapologetic Happiness, I was very committed to not only building a brand to inspire others but to truly live an unapologetic lifestyle, which has been a good thing for me but has also had very difficult results as well. I have had to end friendships and connections with people simply because they were not able to understand or accept my unapologetic approach at life. I have experienced people attempting to make me feel less of a mother because they may not understand my drive and belief on not taking time for granted. The truth is I made a commitment to teach my daughter by being a living example of what is possible, kids do what we show them not what we tell them. My faith may have been questioned because I choose to actively pursue my purpose daily relentlessly where other’s opinion was the opposite of what walking in faith looked like for them and that’s okay. I have been hurt for choosing to have it all and living life with excitement and passion to enjoy the present moments and the people I love while actively pursuing my purpose in life. Fortunately for me the pain and hurt I have experienced all have been a blessing, so I continue to take notes and applying them daily.
When you believe in your vision and you trust the calling that God has over your life you stand firm in it , you must trust that He we will give you what you need to succeed in every challenge. Always remember that it is never in his will to allow ourselves to be moved our distracted , the fact still remains that anything that keeps us away from our goals and the things we know we need to do is an excuses and often times a distraction. The life we desire is ours if it is in God’s will and if we choose to have it, but no one has ever mastered self and achieved their goals by standing still and waiting for time to yield. Life is a roller coaster ride buckle up and get ready for the ride, learn to laugh a lot, enjoy every moment, appreciate all the highs and lows, celebrate the small wins as well as the big wins, most importantly don’t forget to take notes. We may not be able to understand the purpose of our storms today but later on they will all make sense you will grow to see how important those challenges were in order for us to get to the place in which we strive to be in. In the meantime, make time a priority use it wisely and make it a priority to invest more time than you are spending. Lastly always work harder on yourself than you do anything else, instead of complaining about not having time get up and create time for what is important to you. Remind yourself daily that your life is a gift and your purpose is bigger than you.