Dig A Little Deeper
“Take courage and declare that your battle belongs to God and no other.” I share this quote to encourage and remind us all of how good God is even when we are undeserving and without hope. We all may have been guilty of falling victim to peer pressure from family, friends, society, and self. As a kid we learn what is right from wrong and very early on we are flooded with rules and expectations of what we should and better be doing and by what age they are to happen. Theses are some of the primary factors that can lead to an individual feeling hopeless, discouraged, worthless, and even depression. There are also other factors In the world that promotes us to live in fear and being discouraged in our daily life, such as the stories we hear on the news , all the natural but devastating events taking place, the evidence of less love and compassion for each other growing. These are all a hundred percent accurate concerns, but even in the midst and through it all it is our duty to stand confident in our faith that there is nothing too big for God to fix. We have no control of the things that are happening around us or in the world but what we do have is the power to choose the type of effect we allow them to have on our lives. We can choose to be affected negatively or be impacted positively, our mind and our perspective shapes our reality and sets the tone for our life daily.
If you are a person that allows the experiences around you to promote fear and hopelessness in your life you are robbing yourself of the blessings and endless opportunities that are available to you. If you choose to be impacted in a positive way the first step is to appreciate everything and everyone, the good and the difficult moments. Be intentional about seeing the silver lining in every situation knowing that there is a season and reason for everything and if we believe God will always reveal and protect us. Last week Sunday the world witnessed and experienced a tragic and fatal loss of nine lives on board of a helicopter. The news brought forth a mixture of different emotions for everyone, for me I struggled with accepting it fully and not questioning the timing and depth of the horrific incident. Some of the thoughts I had was that he was still so young, his daughter still had her whole life ahead, what did those other passengers do to deserve such an ending. I had to remind myself that our destiny has nothing to do with the way we lived but has been written since the day we were born, there is no error or accident in God plans and ruling for our life. I also found peace in reflecting on not the quantity of his life but the quality 0f his life how he lived while he was here and the impact that he had on the world. I found peace In the fact that although his daughter was so young in her thirteen years, she has also left an impact in the world by her drive and passion for life and the game of basketball. I had to shift my perspective and redirect my focus of what I believed should have happened to what really was and what I needed to do moving forward.
I was reminded that life is short, and we should never take life or time for granted, I was reminded of how important it is to live in love and be present throughout all my experiences in life. I was reminded that life owes me nothing and everything that I desire to have and the dreams I hope to manifest is my responsibility to work for. In the midst of being shocked and heart breaking I also was grateful for the amazing lives that God saw me and the rest of the world fitting to witness such a tragedy as a reminder of what truly matters in life and how important it is to live with out limits and truly appreciate this gift called life. Today I pray that you all will seek God and find comfort in his love and promises for us and remember we all have a date , day , time , place , that we do not know but it is ours ,but while we are gifted with life daily let us live it boldly. Be unapologetic about our pursuit of happiness, purpose, and peace. Trust and believe that no matter how big and how dark life’s trials are at times God is still able to do all things. My question to you today is are you going to allow the uncontrolled events of life affect you or inspire you to keep pressing on with faith and confidence? The choice is yours but no matter what it looks like be encouraged that where there is a will there is a way Dig Deeper.