Be The Boss & The Employee
Integrity and discipline are two important things that I believe that everyone and anyone that has a desire to discover what their purpose and actively pursue it should practice mastering. We all were created with a purpose and each day that we are blessed with life it is our responsibility to not only discover our purpose but to also actively pursue it. life is a long journey filled with a lot of ups ,downs , and challenges , the good news is it is not our job to try to figure out why it is our job to figure out how to allow ourselves to acknowledge what we are experiencing and still be able to pull it together. It is easy to have integrity when others are present, but it can be a struggle when no one is around. Having integrity with yourself is extremely important as we actively pursue our purpose in life because ultimately it is not what you say you do that takes you to the next level it is the things that we consistently do even when no one is there to witness your work behind the scenes . Having discipline in a 9-5 is easy having discipline with self can be very challenging but very rewarding to us in the long run.
I have learned that it is not impossible to be discipline with self and our time, but it is true that for most of us it is easier to have discipline in a job than it is to have discipline with self. Why? there are people that cannot handle being in charge of their time which furthers their need to be monitored in order to perform. On the other hand, we have people that lack integrity with their self because they crave motivation and a crowd in order to be consistent with the things, they already know they need to do. When I decided to make one of the biggest and scariest decisions of my life there were two things, I set in my mind that would be a nonnegotiable. I knew I had to be disciplined with my time and my focus, and secondly, I knew that I had to have 100% integrity with myself in order to accomplish my goals. The reality of not being on anyone else’s time and not having anyone monitoring my time or level of commitment. It sounds freeing and yes, it is but the truth is if you are not prepared to master those two things your dreams can turn into a sinking ship of dreams really quick. One of the biggest differences and challenge in living in your purpose is that it is our assignment from God and not a career or a job that you can change paths freely.
When you discover what your purpose is it is our responsibility to pursue and live in it being a blessing to others and pleasing to God who is the captain our ships. The question I have today is are you ready to set sail or are you okay with staying out at the dock? We must allow God to be the CEO of our life as we become the Boss and the employee of our lives, doing the work and being committed to a life that can be challenging but fulfilling and rewarding when we trust the process and be patient with ourselves . Good things will manifest for those who work with patience, walk by faith, and give thanks every step of the way. The good times the challenging times and the still moments in our lives are all the ingredients necessary to ensure that God receives all the glory in our life when the very things that we deemed to be dead or impossible becomes possible. The choice to live a fulfilled life is one that is available to all of us, once we lose the desire to seek permission and validation, we can begin to live an unapologetic abundant life.