Untraditionally Qualified
Holding on to grudges and limiting belief systems will prevent us from moving forward and going to the next level in our life. A set belief system is one that is rooted in mostly in our cultural background and learned behaviors growing up. I will not say that the teachings we received were wrong, what I will say is they taught us limits and encouraged us in more than one ways how to view the world and life with a closed mind and a negative perspective on life which impacts the choices we make that affects our way of being. It is our responsibility to be brave and free to explore life to get present to what truly matters and seeing the bigger picture, but we will never know if we do not broaden our minds and let go of our old limiting belief system. We only rely on them because it brings us a feeling of comfort and the feeling of doing the right thing the right way, the truth is the secret to true success and fulfilment does not come in a safety net. We can only find what has truly been missing when we take a leap of faith and jump out of the known and into the unknown. Have you ever noticed how growing up we are asked what do we want to be when we grow up and for every new age and error of our lives for some that answer has changed multiple times? That does not happen because we are undecided that happens because we are constantly changing and evolving and sometimes, we are in a difference space in our life that reveals a new-found passion for new and exciting things that may not be considered to be the norm or traditionally correct.
The amazing thing about our unique existence here on earth has nothing to do with what is expected of us based on expectations or traditions, we were created to discover and master self. Once we find out who we are it is our duty master self the important skills that puts us in a position to thrive and live In our imagination. Living and playing by the rules okay but always remember this it is necessary to stand firm in your dreams and the desires you have even if it means taking on an untraditional approach unapologetically. Living a life that rewards us joy and fulfilment is something we all want to experience and should. When we begin to be more open and receptive to new possibilities it is in doing the unusual most people find what truly makes them happy and their true purpose in life. In order to do this freely we also have to be willing to get complete with past circumstances whether that’s forgiving a friend, family member, or even a parent grudges only hinders us from flying high. It is unwanted baggage that we do not want to hold on to or carry around, allow yourself to heal freely, failing to face the reality of our struggles and stop suppressing our feelings. Holding on to past hurt and grudges will begin to show up in all areas of your life sooner or later and when you least expect it. This Is an important step in journey of self -transformation that is to be quick to forgive, let go and move on.
If you could think of all the times you had the opportunity to create something new and exciting for yourself but because of fear or your belief system you talked yourself out of it think about how that made you feel. I also want to encourage you to write a list of a few things you would like to accomplish in a short or long-term period and some of the things you would like to explore. Create a chart for yourself and chose in any order you please and take on committing to one task at a time and write down how each made you feel and mediate on that especially if it made you feel very happy on the inside. Begin to work harder on forgiving others not for them or because they deserve it but because you deserve to be free. Reclaim your time and your power you are worth it you are deserving of a life of happiness, freedom, and true success. It begins with you and there is no better time to get started than right now stop delaying your progress and putting of what you can do today for tomorrow.