As we come to the end of another year, I cannot help but to reflect on how much I have grown, the many experiences I had to grow through, the lessons that I needed to learn, and the blessings I received. In the beginning as we all do I had a vision of the things I wanted to manifest this year, the irony and fact that we all have to be present and open to is that the plan we set in place if it is not in line with God’s will there will be detours. 2019 has been a year filled with complete transformation and restoration, that does not mean that there were no challenges or struggles but they were an important piece to promoting transformation in my mind, body, and spirit. The unique thing about life is the beauty of God’s love to bless us with another day it is a gift of new opportunities the problem is there are people that are set in negative thoughts and limited thinking. They are blinded by their emotions which hinders their ability to create solutions, one of the most beneficial actions to take in life is to commit to doing the work and trust the process. Worrying is a distraction, needing to be in control is a distraction, dwelling on negative situations is a distraction and puts us in a very dark space if we do not shift our perspectives.
I learned a lot of valuable lessons that in return elevated me in many areas of my life. there were friendships that I cherished and held on to despite the level of toxic that was present. There were experiences that I thought may have been the right opportunity that turned into a complete disappointment. The Good news is in each situation that I was faced with I am glad to say that I learned a lot and I remained in gratitude even through the tears and the reward to that I was present and available for God to make room for brand new and greater things. I was able to redefine and rebuild the meaning and importance of sisterhood for me and other women, I did not allow my heart break of toxic friendships dictate or influence who I am as woman, sister, and a friend. I was able to branch out and step out of my comfort zone to make new and amazing connections. Most importantly the one blessing I am forever grateful for is finding a new church home and family. I share this with hopes to inspire and remind you all of two things the first is that we can do all things when we put God first and secondly, we are nothing without Him. it is always easy to celebrate and have a heart of gratitude when all is well so let us commit to changing the narrative and remain in gratitude at all times. If everything in your life seems to be going wrong remember this one thing that is a blessing the gift of life and with that, we have to make a choice daily sink or rise.
n conclusion I pray that as 2019 closes we prepare ourselves to shift our mindsets and be open to letting go and unpacking all the baggage and clutter that have held us back from truly giving our best. Learning to master ourselves is going on a journey of understanding who we are, what we are called to do and identify what our purpose and giving a 110%. Our circumstances and the setbacks we experienced this year considered them our blessing in disguise and preparation for new and amazing things to come. Take a mental note and do not wish that things were different, or life was easier simply pray for the mental and spiritual strength to not only go through life challenges but to experience them, grow through, them and come out victorious. We are not victorious because life is perfect, we are victorious when we feel fear and still act, when we fall down and get back up, when we experience hurt and hardships but who we are our heart remains joyful and grateful.