The Ingredients
What are you cooking up in your life, what is your secret ingredients? It is important that we not only know what we are cooking, it is important to know the key ingredients that we need. It is not the amount of time you put the food in oven for that makes it delicious it is the preparation or the seasonings we put on it that makes it. I believe that it is important that we are mindful of what ingredients we are putting into our vision. One of the most disappointing things we can experience while working hard on our building our dreams is to find out that we had the right idea but the wrong materials to build with. What I mean by materials or ingredients when we speak on living in our purpose is making sure that we not only have a clear vision or a great plan but that we have the right people around us and that we are investing time in person development.
I was guilty of the saving game, what I mean by that is that every opportunity that I was presented with or present to I had to share. I wanted to bring everyone along I had to learn the hard way. It is okay to want good for others, but it is most important that they want better for themselves. We cannot afford to mix people that are ready to work for change and people that are busy hoping for change those two ingredients will never work together. I was also very guilty of working harder on my external appearance than my inner being, there was work that I needed to put In before I could see change. I had to go through many trial and errors to get to a place where I had to learn the importance of having clarity on what is important me and what are the necessary steps, I must take to be successful in everything that I do. The first must have ingredient for me is God; I understand that I am nothing without him and I can do all things through him. My second most important ingredient is having faith and doing the work, results can only happen when action is taken. My last but not least ingredient is love; I believe that love wins and loving what I do and falling in love with transformation in other people’s lives keeps me fired up in every season.
Lastly what I want to leave you all with today is a reminder of to avoid baking with the wrong ingredients. Be specific with your vision and seek clarity before you begin to mix. The most important step is what you put in not how you do it, having the right ingredients is what makes the finish product delightful. Be patient, trust the process and pay attention to the details what is a success story without a testimony? Everything we experience has a purpose as we go through different phases let us grow through them without fear or reservations. I’m cooking up an Unapologetically happy God filled successful life, what are you cooking? You are the author of your life and the chef in your kitchen feel free to change the narrative. It begins with you if you change things will change.