Winning Comes Through Struggle
There is such great irony and misunderstanding that surrounds the word and idea of what it means to be a winner. The internet definition for winner states that it is “a person or thing that wins something”. There was once a time in my life where I tied the idea of being a winner only to the idea of competing to defeat another to be declared the best. I had to really check myself and my concept on how I declared what a winner meant. I asked myself what about the people that may not be physically capable and equipped to take on a challenge, but they are brave enough to stand in the ring with no guarantee of winning but they have one desire in their heart and the intention to give it a try no and no matter what the outcome is they grateful that they had the courage to get started and finish. That is a true winner because there are many people that spend their entire life winning on paper and losing at life, spending their entire lives being afraid to take risk and explore beyond their comfort zone. It is not about where you place in the race of life what matters is that you not only entered the race, but you finished. The courage to get started and remain committed to the end is what make you a winner. Many will give up after the first attempt and make up in their mind that “maybe it was just not meant to be”, we cannot live our life relying on luck or chance we have to be bold enough to declare victory and keep working towards it.
Almost five yours ago I decided to commit to living a healthy and active lifestyle and helping others along the way which I truly grew to fall in love with. A little over a year ago I decided to take it to the next level and become a certified personal trainer. The moment I made that decision I understood that this was a commitment and I often had to reminded myself of the fact that anything worth having is worth working for and it most certainly will not come easy. I failed the test the first time, I failed the second time, and I failed just this weekend for the third time. Honestly speaking I was upset, hurt, and feeling a little defeated. In my mind I began to create stories around it. Many of us never even attempt at giving something a second chance because the stories we create around a short coming, we allow them to define us. I had to be reminded that I was not a failure because I failed three times, I was a winner because I kept trying. I will be the first to admit that in the midst of being disappointed changing our perspective to see the good in the situation can be difficult. That is why it I important to be surrounded by people that will not only be understanding but will be bold to pull you back up by the collar and remind of who you are. The moment I heard the stories in my mind I reached to my sister in Christ for a prayer and her obedience to call me and speak life to me when I was not in the right mind to do so for myself saved me from claiming a mental defeat. As I write this blog today, I am filled with gratitude because even in my disappointment I understand that I had to experience this to give hope to another that is facing a battle and on the verge of claiming defeat and throwing in the towel.
In conclusion I want to encourage everyone reading today to begin to walk in victory, declare that you are already a winner no matter how many times you have to try you keep working and fighting for what is already yours. The key to be a true winner is in being able to accept the losses, there is no winning without struggle. The road will not always be easy but the lessons and the experiences you gain is worth so much more. A winner sees themselves as a winner before the race is over, winning begins in the mind you must believe it. Continue to show up in the area ready and willing to begin and finish the race you have started no matter how many times you fall, and no matter how long it takes. It is not about what we want or desire to happen on our time it is about God’s timing which is always perfect and right on time.It is not what happens that defeats us it is how we respond to what we experience that makes us either a winner or a soar loser. You have the power to decide who you are and what will allow to define you or be spoken over your life. I am a winner and I am winning at life because I continue to show up and run that race getting up each and every time that I fall. The only limits are in my mind, and in my mind is where I declare victory and embrace God’s timing